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Everything posted by Nymeria

  1. Archronicus book http://imgur.com/a/sZaDK Archronicus is a digital book that can be found within a game itself and introduces you to DOTA 2 lore and everything interesting about it.
  2. Odgledala prvu sezonu Brickleberry, dobra serija, steta sto nije popularnija http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2022713/
  3. Evo ga i na Gamersbook-u zavrsio :D https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=611830242168948&set=a.277208758964433.75470.141795922505718&type=1&theater
  4. Whoa koliko dobrih novih card igara, a ja jos igram Yu-Gi-Oh Power of Chaos
  5. Jos kratkih stripova na sajtu www.oglaf.com
  6. Za fanove british humour-a, preporuka How Not to Live Your Life http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1270367/
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