Da ima
Joseph Gordon-Levitt al David Letterman 11-09-2013-
Seth Rogen - Interview Letterman 2012 12 19 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIuNIOAwFCU
James Franco Blazed -
Moja config
i5-3570K .3.4 GHz OC na 4.2 GHz
GTX 660ti OC
8 GB 1600mhz DDR3
I bode igra kad su masovne bitke na 20fps i stvarno smeta plus AI plus ostale mane (sta bi sa skill tree xD).
Izbriso sam je,bacam Shogun 2 Gold edition
A Creative Assembly employee said that "Total War: Rome 2" Patch 1.5 "hasn't helped everyone" after numerous complaints flooded in on the game's official forums, citing low framerates among other issues. "Total War: Rome 2" Patch 1.5 was supposed to fix an issue with low framerates experienced by gamers when using the Campaign map on systems that combine high-end graphics cards and mid-range CPUs only. You can read the official "Total War: Rome 2" Patch 1.5 patch notes here.
However, low framemate isn't the only issue facing "Total War: Rome 2" players after "Total War: Rome 2" Patch 1.5 Beta was released. At least one gamer is reporting game crashes after installing the patch.
Pa u decembru nedje ću reinstall
Proveravaj TPB tu će ti prvo iskočit.
Igra izgleda sjajno ali ipak se pokreće na 7 godina starom hardweru.
Draw distance je 0,texture na nekim mestima ko da su na low a ispod toga.
Pop in je skoro svudje samo kao da su ga radili "neprimetno" tj,pokusavaju da ga sakriju ali dzaba kada se vidi se iz aviona xD
1:23,Rooneeeey bruka kako izgleda.
Svi koji su probali demo je hvale čak i ljudi koji su igrali FIFU prethodnih godina,kao i ja,zadnji pes sto sam igrao je 2010.
Nije savršen ali više vuče na simulaciju i skill based game.