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Posts posted by Zen01

  1. Prodajem lvl 90 Pandaren Discipline Priest-a, EU-Stormscale, Horda. Account je istekao pre nedelju dana, mogucnost uplacivanja, 6k achiva(u Decembru kreiran account),540 full PvP disco set, gomila off spec gear-a, kao i transmog setova. Liberator of Orgrimmar, Legendary back, Heroic/Normal girovan char, od profesija Tailoring 600 i Jewelcrafting 600, Cooking takodje 600. Od mountova: Ashes of Al'ar, Azure Coud Serpent, Raven Lord, Onyxian Drake, Rusted Proto-Drake,Kor'kron War Wolf (Garosh mount), Swift White Hawkstrider, i mnogi drugi. Dajem full info, licna karta,pasos. Account nikad hakovan. Moguc svaki dogovor.


  2. Prodajem lvl 90 Pandaren Discipline Priest-a, EU-Stormscale, Horda. Account je aktivan jos mesec dana, 5.3k achiva(u Decembru kreiran account), 40.000 golda, gomila off spec gear-a, kao i transmog setova. Liberator of Orgrimmar, Legendary back, Heroic/Normal girovan char, od profesija Tailoring 600 i Jewelcrafting 600. Od mountova: Ashes of Al'ar, Azure Coud Serpent, Raven Lord, Onyxian Drake, Rusted Proto-Drake,Kor'kron War Wolf (Garosh mount), Swift White Hawkstrider, i mnogi drugi. Dajem full info, licna karta, mogucnost uplacivanja preko mene.. Account nikad hakovan. Moguc svaki dogovor.


  3. Kao sto pise, prodajem lvl 90 priesta na Stormscale-u EU, u hordi. Igrao sam 2 meseca, imam 543 ilvl (disco) 20k golda, 15ak mountova i 10ak titula, 5k achieva. Tailoring i Jewelcrafting na 600. Dogovor oko cene, u sustini vise nego jeftino.


  4. Nikalól (main) -Discipline Dranei Priest lvl 85

    Realm : EU-Aerie Peak

    PvP gear : Full Cata offset & 4/5 Cata set & Cata weapons.

    PvE gear : Full Epic Gear: Average item lvl 405+ (all epic gems)

    Armory link : http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/aerie-peak/Nikal%C3%B3l/simple

    30+ Exalted Reputations

    280% Mount Speed

    9310 Achievements

    16 Feats of strength


    -Jewelcrafting 535

    -Tailoring 525

    -Cooking 525 (all recipes in the game)

    -Over 35 titles:

    Ambassador,Assistant Professor,Avenger of Hyjal,Bloodsail Admiral,Brewmaster,Champion of the Frozen Wastes,Chef,Crusader,Defender of a Shattered World,Destroyer's End,Elder,Jenkins,Merrymaker,Twilight Vanquisher,of the Four Winds,of the Nightfall,of the Shattered Sun,the Argent Champion,the Astral Walker,the Kingslayer, the Love Fool, and many others...

    -Over 60 mounts :

    Albino Drake,Amani Battle Bear,Black War Tiger,Bloodbathed Frostbrood Vanquisher,Bronze Drake,Corrupted Fire Hawk,Great Brewfest Kodo,Red Proto-Drake,Rusted Proto-Drake, and many others.

    2.000 golds

    ALTS :

    Balance druid lvl 85.

    Kontakt telefon : 063/89-64-987

    Cena po dogovoru! HITNO!

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