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The X
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Everything posted by rbds

  1. Misao and Fukumaru http://imgur.com/a/Q5GeT
  2. Wtf momenat kada izmedju dva nivoa na random igrici na tabletu se pojavljuje ovaj spot. http://youtu.be/JdcPdkY6a1E
  3. 25 Creepiest Places on Earth http://imgur.com/a/MA55k
  4. Andrew Whyte spent 365 days following this little LEGO photographer around and taking pictures. http://imgur.com/a/P4RzK
  5. Segregation Series by Gordon Parks http://imgur.com/a/E9OKy
  6. http://imgur.com/a/ibCLU >> https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/burrardarts/janet-echelman-in-vancouver?ref=live <<
  7. Kad si mlad, onda možeš sve. Došla u 14h na posao, pa mi uvalili da ostanem sama na dve jedinice u noćnoj smeni.
  8. R-Rated movie scenes drawn in the style of a cute kid’s book http://imgur.com/a/t7ig3
  9. A Massive Inflatable String Jungle Gym by Numen/For Use Croatian-Austrian collective Numen/For Use designed this massive inflatable volume that contains a network of string cables that can be explored like a jungle gym. http://imgur.com/a/3CCGT >> http://www.numen.eu/installations/string/prototype/ <<
  10. Chineasy: The Fun, Illustrated Way To Learn Chinese http://imgur.com/a/GEjUG
  11. Creepy Old Pictures http://imgur.com/a/hZ3H2
  12. http://youtu.be/LFLHFBHOO1g >> http://evanholm.com/the-making-ofsubmerged-turtables/ <<
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