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Posts posted by Snd

  1. Koliko sam video, pre nego sto sam zakljucio da je bezveze da igram dominion jer je stvoren za odredjenu vrstu champova, rammus jebe mater u dominionu...

    Pa u sustini svi champovi sa bolesnim durability-ima i visokim mobility mogucnostima jebu keve :D

    @chegster: Da da evelyn se sprda po dominionu bukvalno :D

    I takodje probajte sa teemom totalno je zanimljivo nervirati protivnike sa prokletim pecurkama! Teemo > Dominion :D

  2. Ranked je trenutno PAKAO, beskonacno degenerika koji imaju od 1 do 10 pobeda koji tako klikcu nesto po ekranu i prave djubre iteme .... al zato sam navezbao da kucam idiots,retards,imbeciles kao car, kako spustim ruku na tastaturu izadje jedno od ta tri.

    Bukvalno, samo sto sam ja navezbao malo vise reci :D


    Za one koji se pitaju odakle im "free" IPovi

    Greetings my new friends,

    Note that not everyone will receive 2k+ IP.

    I am currently in the process of granting many players IP for purchases they made prior to champion IP price reductions. If you purchased a champion within two weeks of an IP price reduction announcement you should be credited for the amount of the difference. These champions include: Malphite, Garen Jax, Taric, Teemo, Warwick, Morgana, Malphite, ChoGath, Ryze, Poppy, and Annie. If you feel like you made a purchase two week prior to the announcement but did not receive IP. Please wait 2 weeks for the IP and emails to be delivered. After that take screenshot of your purchase history, your username, and summoner name and submit a ticket to support@riotgames.com if you did not receive your points. This only applies if you purchased the champions with IP. You will also receive an email from me in the near future telling you this. Note that these refunds take awhile to process so be sure to give the two weeks before submitting a ticket. Thanks!

    P.S: Kayle will be the last of these champions credited and she will only be 450 IP or 260 RP depending on what you used to purchase her and only if you received her for the season 1 rewards. Note that you will need to have purchased her between 2 weeks before the first announcement and when she was applied in order to qualify.

    Edit #1:

    Just to clarify our stance I'll draw an analogy. Say you buy a piece of clothing or a console from a store. Many times if that console goes on sale, the store will say you are out of luck. Many of the more well-known and customer focused stores will give you a 1-week barrier to things like this. We wanted to go above this and offer to players who had done it within a 2 week time period.


    You will receive this gift for every champion that fell into this category. So if you purchased both Cho and Morgana 2 weeks before their announcement you should receive 3600 IP (but not necessarily at the same time).


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