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Everything posted by Gospodin

  1. Gde mogu da skinem patch (dodatak gde su vec napravljeni nasi timovi)
  2. opusti se.. i igraj plejstejsn
  3. Dakle ako moze neko od administratora da mi promeni nick u GhostFace ..znaci bez svih velikih slova ! unapred zahvalan
  4. hahah da da sliku sam video skoro negde ...Sponzorusa definitivno
  5. Gistro! pokuili flajke sa neke deopnije, zastavu ukrali iz dekine supe... i zezanje
  6. LimeWire Ownz uzmes pro verziju sa akceleratorom i ubija ! A btw meni taj ares nikada nije dobro radio.
  7. Gospodin


    Hvala AyS ...ortak me sinoc isprepadao da je zahtevna do jaja pa rekoh da pitam vas koji ste probali
  8. Gospodin


    Ljudi jer mogu da igram na dole navedenoj konfiguraciji proc: Intel 1.8 Ghz mem: 512 DDR graf: Ati Radeon 9600 - Omega drivers
  9. Inace video sam igricu kod ortaka i zaplenim mu na koji dan (nisam stigao mnogo da igram, tako da vam necu dati full detalje i ustiske) >Meni Licno se svidja, grafika je dobra... igrivost da ne pricam a...posebno me se svidja kako su odradili zvukove i govore Ruskih i nemackih boraca. Radnja je naravno World war 2. U svakom slucaju probajte mislim da bar toliko zasluzuje. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Spring 1945. The ravages of World War II are drawing to a close and the Russians and Germans are locked in furious conflict for war-torn Berlin. Reports abound that the Russian secret service (NKVD) are in Berlin to steal atomic bomb technology from the German Army. You control the fate of an American soldier, trained as a sniper by the OSS. Now, as a key member of an invisible, yet elite group, you are assigned to the most sensitive of missions. Disguised as a German and working alone, you must infiltrate hostile enemy environments and using your stealth and sniping skills, and stop Stalin's forces from controlling the world's nuclear technology. The future of the world's geopolitical fabric is riding on you. Homepages: http://www.rebellion.co.uk/sniperelite.htm http://www.namco.com/games/sniperelite/
  10. nema nista od toga, i gde si ti video da ima da se skine Traktor 3 kad uopste nije izasao, izaso je samo PRESS RELEASE . » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Native Instruments has announced Traktor DJ Studio 3, the next generation of its mixing software. The new version adds a host of powerful creative features, including four playback decks, a suite of performance effects, an analog-modeled mixer section, a customizable user interface and more. Traktor DJ Studio 3 also allows DJs to browse and purchase the latest club music releases from within the software by giving access to the full catalog of Beatport, an online store for club music. Four full-featured playback decks Traktor DJ Studio 3 takes a significant step beyond the limits of conventional DJ setups by offering two additional playback decks, opening up a whole new world of creative possibilities. DJs can now mix up to four tracks simultaneously, or integrate additional loops and samples. Each of the four decks in Traktor DJ Studio 3 is fully equipped with zoomable waveform displays, comprehensive cueing and looping functionality, and Traktor's time stretching technology that offers unrivalled audio quality even at extreme settings. Beatport online store integration Traktor DJ Studio 3 takes full advantage of NI's partnership with Beatport, an online music store for DJs, currently representing more than 1.200 electronic music labels from all over the world. The complete Beatport catalog can now be accessed directly within the browser section of Traktor, which allows DJs to preview and purchase the latest club music releases with maximum convenience. Traktor DJ Studio 3 integrates a dedicated download manager, and tracks downloaded from Beatport are instantly added to the existing music collection. Professional 4-channel DJ mixer emulation Traktor DJ Studio 3 offers a completely new 4-channel mixer section modeled after the Allen & Heath Xone:92. The mixer emulation is based on analog modeling technology and offers not only the general layout and signal flow of the Xone:92, but also the sought-after audio characteristics of the 4-band-EQ and filter sections, as well as true-to-life channel fader and cross fader behavior. The emulation was developed in close cooperation with Allen & Heath to ensure maximum authenticity and fidelity. Furthermore, each mixer channel can be individually switched to emulate the EQ sections of either the Ecler Nuo4 or the Pioneer DJM-600, to guarantee sonic compatibility when using Traktor DJ Studio 3 in combination with other popular outboard mixers. Beat-synchronized DJ effects Traktor DJ Studio 3 gives DJs a powerful arsenal of creative tools by incorporating a complete set of performance effects. Filter, beat masher, flanger, delay and reverb effects add more depth and variation to the mix, and can be kept in sync with the track at a click of a button. Each effect parameter can be easily assigned to external hardware controllers, and different effects can be inserted on individual channels and the master section of the mixer. New customizable user interface Traktor DJ Studio 3 is equipped with a totally redesigned user interface that offers significant improvements in both flexibility and ease of use. The interface is now fully resizable to adapt to any screen size and aspect ratio, and offers a freely configurable modular section that allows individual control modules to be combined according to the personal preference of the user. This includes control elements for Traktor's extensive looping and cueing functionality, mix and input recording, master section, and various deck and mixer functions. Performance-oriented parameter control A new control concept makes DJing with Traktor DJ Studio even more flexible, intuitive and precise. Parameter changes for knobs and faders can now be "pre-dialed" via mouse and then instantly activated with the click of a button. Additionally the sensitivity for each on-screen-control element can be changed on the fly in five different levels. A new "Snap-to-Beat" mode turns each Traktor waveform display into an advanced control surface, offering DJs unparalleled interaction with the track and making precise cueing easier than ever before. Advanced track collection and library functions The library functions in Traktor DJ Studio 3 have been significantly extended to make handling of ever-growing digital track collections even more efficient. The track browser now supports Context Selection for increased overview and versatile track sorting, while a new Category Search function allows for much faster results when searching for specific tracks, artists, labels or even BPM ranges. Traktor DJ Studio 3 includes a host of further improvements, and continues to offer the full set of features that made the previous version the favorite tool of forward-thinking DJs: powerful library and playlist functions, compatibility with a comprehensive range of audio file formats, non-destructive mix recording, real-time Internet broadcasting, support for the Traktor Mix File format, extensive MIDI remote control options, and seamless integration with Stanton's FinalScratch 2 digital DJ system. Pricing and Availability Traktor DJ Studio 3 will be available in November 2005 for for a suggested retail price of $ 279 / 249 Euro from authorized dealers and in the NI Online Shop. An update for users of Traktor DJ Studio 2 will be available for $ 99 / 79 Euro. For more information, visit their web site at www.native-instruments.com. Koliko sam ja cuo ..trebalo bi da se pojavi pocetkom novembra !
  11. http://www.crazyrussian.com/02/entry_1082.php#body sta reci...slike govore sve ! WoC ap MadaRfAkarsZ
  12. Poboljsajte rad svog windows'a ... tweakujte ga po vasim zahtevnostima ! » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «-To Increase System Performance Right click my computer. Click properties. Click advanced. Click settings (under performance). Click Adjust for best performance. Scroll to the bottom and check the last one “use visual styles on windows and buttons”. -How to Disable XP's crap built in CD Burner Click the start button. Select Run. Type services.msc and click ok. Go to IMAPI CD-Burning Com Services open it and click on start up type, change to "Disabled". -Fine Tune Your Systems Memory These Settings will fine tune your systems memory You need at least 256MB of ram to do this: Go to Start > Run then type in REGEDIT -and then to the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM \CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management 1.DisablePagingExecutive -Double click it and in the decimal put a 1 - this allows XP to keep data in memory now instead of paging sections of ram to harddrive yeilds faster performance. 2.LargeSystemCache- Double click it and change the decimal to 1 -this allows XP Kernal to Run in memory and improves system performance a lot. 3.IOPageLockLimit - Create a new dword and name it double click it and set the value in hex - 4000 if you have 128MB of ram or set it to 10000 if you have 256MB set it to 40000 if you have more than 512MB of ram -this tweak will speed up your disckcache. Reboot -Unable to delete from Avi files from HD XP holds files in it's memory even after you have closed the application using them making it impossible to delete them from your harddrive. To fix this: Start -> Run -> Regedit Find the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\SystemFileAssociations\.avi\shel lex\PropertyHandl er\ directory and delete the "DEFAULT" key. -Tweak The Swap File For Users with 256 MB RAM or more this tweak will boost their Windows- and Game-Performance. What it does: It tells Windows not to use any Swap File until there is really no more free RAM left. Open the System Configuration Utility by typing msconfig.exe in the RUNConservativeSwapfileUsage =1" under the 386enh section. Restart your Windows and enjoy better Game performance command. There in your System.ini you have to add " -Disable Services XP Pro runs a lot of services by default that are pointless if your not on a corporate network, the following services are ones that I safely disable thereby freeing up memory but check what each one does first to make sure your not using it for something: Go to Run and type services.msc, right click on each service, properties and choose disable. Alerter Application Layer Gateway Service, Application Management Automatic Updates Background Intelligent Transfer Clipbook Distributed Link Tracking Client Distributed Transaction Coordinater Error Reporting Service Fast User Switching Compatibility IMAPI CD-Burning Indexing Service IPSEC Services Messenger Net Logon Net Meeting Remote Desktop Sharing Network DDE Network DDE DSDM Portable Media Serial Number Remote Desktop Help Session Manager Remote Registry Secondary Logon Smartcard SSDP Discovery Service Telnet Themes Uninterruptible Power Supply Universal Plug and Play Device Host Upload Manager Webclient Wireless Zero Configuration WMI Performance Adaptor -Speed Up The File System NTFS is a great file system, but its feature-set comes at a slight cost in performance. You can negate this a little with the following tips: * By default NTFS will automatically update timestamps whenever a directory is traversed. This isn't a necessary feature, and it slows down large volumes. Disable it by going to Run and type regedit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM \CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem and set 'DisableNTFSLastAccessUpd ate' to 1. * NTFS uses disparate master file control tables to store filesystem information about your drives. Over time these core MFT files grow and become fragmented, slowing down all accesses to the drive. By setting aside a little space, MFT's can grow without becoming fragmented. In the same key where you disabled the last access feature creat a new DWORD value called 'NtfsMftZoneReservation' and set it to 2. -Disable DLL Caching Windows Explorer caches DLLs (Dynamic-Link Libraries) in memory for a period of time after the application using them has been closed. This can be an inefficient use of memory. 1. Find the key [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWA RE\Mcft\Windows\Curr entVersion\Explorer]. 2. Create a new DWORD sub-key named 'AlwaysUnloadDLL' and set the default value to equal '1' to disable Windows caching the DLL in memory. 3. Restart Windows for the change to take effect. -Tweak The Prefetch 1. Run "Regedit" 2. Goto [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM \CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParame ters\EnablePrefetcher] 3. Set the value to either 0-Disable, 1-App launch prefetch, 2-Boot Prefetch, 3-Both ("3" is recommended). 4. Reboot. It will decrease the boot time but double and increase the performance of your XP. -Performance Increase Through My Computer Easy enough tweak to usually find out about it on your own, but still, some of us still don't find it right away. So here it is: Start > right-click on My Computer and select Properties. Click on the "Advanced" tab. See the "Performance" section? Click "Settings". Disable the following: Fade or slide menus into view Fade or slide ToolTips into view Fade out menu items after clicking Show Shadows under menus Slide open combo boxes Slide taskbar buttons Use a background image for each folder type Use common tasks in folders There, now Windows will still look nice and perform faster. -Remove Windows Messenger Go to Start/Run, and type: "rundll32 setupapi,InstallHinfSection BLC.Remove 128 %SystemRoot%INFmsmsgs.inf" Do Not Highlight Newly Installed Programs Tired of that annoying little window that pops up to tell you that new software is installed? If it gets in the way when you?re logging off, turn it off completely. To do this: Click Start, right-click at the top of the Start menu where your name is displayed, and then click Properties. In the Taskbar and Start Menu Properties dialog box, on the Start Menu tab, click Customize. Click the Advanced tab, and then clear the Highlight newly installed programs check box. Click OK, and then click OK again. -Customize the Start menu The Start menu gets more real estate in XP than in previous versions, and it's more customizable. To make the Start menu display only the applications you want, rather than the default determined by Mcft: Right-click in an empty section of the Start menu's left column. Select Properties > Start Menu > Customize. Here you'll find a list of your most frequently used programs. (XP keeps track of what you use and what you don't, then updates this list dynamically). Don't want your boss to know that Pinball, Solitaire, and Quake all make your list? Go to the General tab, click Clear List, and set the counter to zero. - Search Companion Error When doing a file search, if you get the error A File That Is Required to Run Search Companion Cannot Be Found Log on as an Administrator Click Start Select Run Enter in the command - %systemroot%\inf Right-click the Srchasst.inf file Click Install -Installing the Backup Program on the Home Version By default, the NTBACKUP program is not installed on the home version. You can find it on the CD in the \VALUEADD\MSFT\NTBACKUP directory Since not all vendors include the actual source code for XP, you can download a copy -Changing Drive Letters If you want to change the letters assigned to your fixed or removable drives: Right Click on My Computer Select Manage Select Disk Management For a Fixed Disk: Select it Right click Select Change Drive Letter and Path Click on the Edit button Enter in the letter you want to use For a Removable Disk: In the lower, right hand panel, right click on the Disk or CD ROM # Select Change Drive Letter and Path Click on the Edit button Enter in the letter you want to use - Turn off the Windows Picture and Fax Viewer as the Default Image Viewer You can also change the file associations for the specific file types you want. Open the Windows Explorer Go to Tools / Folder Options / File Types Scroll down to the extension you want to change Click on the Change button Select the program you want to associate with that extension Click on the OK button If the Windows Picture and Fax Viewer is set as the default for many of your graphic file types, you can remove it so other graphics programs can be used. Run Regedit Go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT / SystemFileAssociations / image / ShellEx / ContextMenuHandlers Delete the key ShellImagePreview Download reg file -Allowing Network Access with Blank Passwords Although you can log in locally without a password, by default, WindowsXP Pro does not allow network users to access the computer without a password. Typically you will receive an Unknown error 31 if this is the case. To change this setting: Run gpedit.msc Go to Computer Configuration / Windows Settings / Security Settings / Local Policies / Security Options Double click on Accounts: Limit local account use of blank passwords to console login only Disable this option -Changing the Default DOS Window Properties If you want to change the default DOS windows properties like: Size Color Font Buffer Size Window / Full Screen Open up a DOS window Right click on the Title Bar Select Defaults Make any of the changes you like All subsequent DOS windows will assume these defaults -Changing the Registered Owner Start Regedit HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mcft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion From there you can edit the name in the Registered Owner key -Opening a Command Prompt to a Particular Directory from Explorer If you want to open a command prompt to a directory that is selected in the Explorer: Start Regedit Go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ Directory \ shell Create a new key called Command Give it the value of the name you want to appear in the Explorer. Something like Open DOS Box Under this create a new key called command Give it a value of cmd.exe /k "cd %L" Now when you are in the Explorer, right click on a folder, select Open DOS Box, and a command prompt will open to the selected directory. Download reg file -Adding Time Servers With WindowsXP, you can double-click on the time in the System Tray and connect to Time Servers on the Internet to synchronize with. To add to the list of available servers: Start Regedit Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mcft\Windows\Curr entVersion\DateTime\Servers Add new string keys named 2, 3, etc. with a value of the time server you want to use. -Creating a Boot Floppy To create a bootable floppy from within WindowsXP: Insert a floppy into the A: drive Open the Explorer Right click on the A: Drive Select Format Check Create an MS-DOS startup disk Click on the Start button This will create a Millennium boot disk -Changing the Login Screen Saver If you want to change the screen saver that runs at the login prompt: Start Regedit Go to HK_USERS / .DEFAULT / Control Panel / Desktop Double click on SCRNSAVE.EXE Enter in the screen saver you want to use -Running NetMeeting To run NetMeeting: Do a Start / Run Enter conf Answer the prompts along the way for name, e-mail etc. -Set the Online Registration as Being Completed You can set WindowsXP to assume the online registration has been completed. Run Regedit Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Mcft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion Create a String Value called RegDone Give it a value of 1 Download reg file -Decreasing Boot Time Mcft has made available a program to analyze and decrease the time it takes to boot to WindowsXP The program is called BootVis Uncompress the file. Run BOOTVIS.EXE For a starting point, run Trace / Next Boot + Driver Delays This will reboot your computer and provide a benchmark After the reboot, BootVis will take a minute or two to show graphs of your system startup. Note how much time it takes for your system to load (click on the red vertical line) Then run Trace / Optimize System Re-Run the Next Boot + Drive Delays Note how much the time has decreased Mine went from approximately 39 to 30 seconds. -Re-Enabling System Restore If you previously disabled system restore through the Group Policy Editor, the option to start it again does not show in the System Properties. You can re-enable it again by: Run the Group Policy Editor (gpedit.msc) Go to Computer Configuration / Administrative Templates / System / System Restore Set Turn off System Restore and Turn off Configuration to Disable Right click on My Computer Select Manage Go to Services and Applications / Services Scroll down to System Restore Service Set it for Automatic Click on the Start button to start the service Close down this window Go back to the Group Policy Editor and configure both to Not configured Now when you right click on My Computer, there should be a tab for System Restore and you can configure how much space will be used. -Hide/Unhide Logon Names If you want to hide or unhide the names of users that are displayed on the initial logon screen: Start Regedit Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Mcft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ Winlogon \ SpecialAccounts \ UserList Add a DWORD with the name of the user account you want to hide Make sure it has a value of 0 If there is an existing account, you can unhide it by giving it a value of 1 -Speed up start menu Start -> Run -> regedit HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop and then right click on ""MenuShowDelay" and click on "Modify", the figure you have here is in milliseconds. The standard is 400, I have mine set to 50, 0 is instant. Take your pick
  13. koliko trazis za logitec'a ?
  14. Hehe naleteh na ovo.. pa koga interesuje ko je sta radio :) 10. Dzon Draper (Cap’n Crunch) Draper je bio strucnjak za zaobilazenje pravila telefonskih kompanija. Smislio je kako da besplatno telefonira koristeci zvizdaljku iz decjih pahuljica. Ta zvizdaljka proizvodi zvuk frekvencije 2600hz I u kombinaciji sa spravicom bluebox omogucavala je lukavom korisniku da telefonira potpuno besplatno. Danas on ima svoju kompaniju za racunarsku sigurnost, a jedan od proizvoda mu je Firewall system pod nazivom Crunchnbox. 9. Vladimir Levin On je bio pravi lopov medju hakerima. 1994. godine je sa svojom ekipom organizovao pravu cyber pljacku banke operisuci sa laptopa iz londona. Ukradene su sifre mnogih korisnika americke banke Citibank a nakon toga I njihovih 10 miliona dolara. Godinu dana kasnije uhapsen je na erodromu Hitrou I osudjen na 3 godine zatvora. 8. Jan Marfi Marfi je 1979 godine s jos trojicom prijatelja provalio u racunare telefonske kompanije AT&T I promenio njihove interne satove, sto je rezultiralo potpunim haosom. Naime, korisnici su placali skupe impulse nocu a jeftine danju. Bila je to katastrofa za AT&T. Godine 1981 usao je u istoriju kao prvi covek koji je uhapsen zbog kompjuterskog kriminala. 7. Kris Gogans (Erik BloodAxe) Gogans je bio jedan od osnivaca hakerske grupe Legion Of Doom I urednik hakerskog casopisa Phrack. 1990 godine je uhapsen zbog sumnje da je povezan sa navedenom grupom. Policajci su u njegovom stanu pronasli pravila za RPG igru Gurps Cyberpunk I pogresno ih interpretirali kao vrstu hakovanja. 6. Keri Ej Lindzli (Mark Tabas) Keri je prvo bio clan grupe Krisa Gogansa, a kasnije je postao glavni pokretac organizacije poznate pod imenom Phone Masters, ciji je cilj bio ni manje ni vise nego da kontrolisu kompletnu telefonsku infrastrukturu SAD. Ova grupa provalila je u sisteme svih mogucih tel kompanija. Kada su bili najjaci kontrolisali su delove americkih sistema za elektricnu energiju, kontrolu leta a provalili su cak I u racunare bele kuce. Robijao je 41 mesec zatvora. 5. Cutomu Shimomura On se nije suocavao sa zakonom a poznat je kao zovek koji je uhvatio Kevina Mitnika sto dovoljno govori o njegovim kapacitetima. On je radio u centru za superracunare u San Dijegu, Nacionalnoj laboratoriji Los Alamos, FBI I NSA. Zbog svojih dela nije bas popularan medju hakerima. 4. Kevin Li Pulsen (Dark Dante) Kevin je karijeru poceo sa 17 godina provalivsi jos 1983 u ARPANET kada je uhvacen ali ne I uhapsen jer je bio premlad. Najpoznatiji je po incidentu sa radio stanicom KIIS FM. Naime ova stanica je 1990. godine organizovala nagradnu igru u kojoj je 102. slusalac koji se javi u program dobijao 50000 dolara vredan porse. Kevin I njegova ekipa su preuzeli kontrolu nad 25 telefonskih linija blokirajuci sve pozive osim svojih. Pogadjate, Kevin je tada opusteno pozvao kao 102. slusalac I osvojio porse 944. To mu se osladilo pa je ponovo uradio istu stvar I osvoji put na havaje. Na kraju je osudjen na 5 godina zatvora. 3. Ehud Tenebaum (The Analyst) Ovaj izraelski haker jedan je od retkih koji je provalio u racunare americke vojske I izvukao se. Godine 1998 je tako prosetao racunarima u Pentagonu da tamosnji strucnjaci nisu imali pojma kako je to izveo. Ovaj napad u kome je iskoriscena rupa u Solaris OS-u smatra se do sada najbolje organizovanim I najsistematicnijim napadom na racunare americke vojske. Ehud je 1998 uhapsen u Izraelu ali nikad nije izrucen amerima. 2. Mark Abejn (Phiber Optik) Ovaj covek je inspirisao hiljade tinejdzera sirom SAD da proucavaju kako zapravo radi nacionalni telefonski system. On je prvo bio clan legendarle grupe Legion of Doom a kasnije je zbog svadje sa Gogansom osnovao sopstvenu grupu Masters of Deception. 80-ih godina ove grupe su bili svojevrsni suparnici a glavna zabava im je bila da provaljuju jedni drugima u racunare. 1. Kevin Mitnik (The Condor) Kevin je svoj renome zakitio I nizom godina u zatvoru. Jos 1981 godine je uhapsen zbog kradje racunarskih uputstava iz kompanije Pacific Bell. Tada se izvukao sa uslovnom kaznom. 1987 Provalio je u sisteme kompanije Santa Cruz Operation. I tada je bio uhapsen I dobio je uslovnu tek kada je obecao d ace da pokaze kako je razbio zastite. 1988 godine je opet uhapsen I optuzen za kradju softvera iz kompanije DEC vrednog million dolara. I posle toga on je nastavio po starom, provaljivao je u racunare kompanija Well, Motorola Fujitsu, Nokia itd. Konacno 1996 je uhapsen I osudjen na 5 god zatvora. Kada je naknadno otkriveno da je posedovao I oko 20.000(citaj: dvadeset hiljada) brojeva kreditnih kartica koje je verovatno I koristio prica se da od tada u zatvoru nisu smeli ni digitron u ruke dam u daju.
  15. Gospodin

    OFFTOPIC * sorry Administraciji ...morao sam bilo je jace od mene, steta sto cu morati da ga promenim bas mi se djasvi :) Hvala za info cali
  16. Gospodin

    Brate extra, a posto bi mozda trebao da uvedem adsl koji provajder bi ste preporucili?
  17. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Nokia Eseries models combine designs that appeal to individual business users with new underlying technologies that allow IT departments to effectively manage security settings, corporate applications and data. Each of the devices is designed to accommodate mobile applications such as mobile email and advanced voice calling functions. The Nokia E60, Nokia E61 and the Nokia E70 will be available in the first quarter of 2006 worldwide. The Nokia E60, Nokia E61 and Nokia E70 support popular and newly announced corporate mobile email solutions like BlackBerry Connect, GoodLink from Good Technology, Inc., Nokia Business Center, Seven Mobile Mail, Seven Always-On Mail and Visto Mobile. The new Nokia Eseries devices are built on the latest edition of the Series 60 Platform, The new models are based on Symbian OS v. 9.1, with an identical application environment for the Nokia E60, Nokia E61 and Nokia E70. They include a variety of GSM frequencies and 3G (WCDMA) cellular network support for seamless roaming across different countries, as well as a range of local connectivity options such as WLAN, Bluetooth and Infrared and are USB 2.0 compatible. The devices support advanced voice services, such as Internet phone calls (Voice over IP or VoIP), Push to talk, and other SIP-based rich call services. Companies deploying an Avaya or Cisco IP PBX can connect the new Nokia devices directly to their corporate phone networks, enabling functions employees have come to expect from a corporate network like four-digit dialing and assisted call answering. The Nokia E60 provides the look and usability of a classically designed mobile phone. the Nokia E60 was created as a mobile device for active voice communications. The Nokia E61 is designed as a mobile email device. The device has a four-way joystick and full keyboard combined with a wide color screen. Supporting multiple mobile email clients like BlackBerry Connect, GoodLink, Nokia Business Center, Seven Mobile Mail, Seven Always-On Mail, and Visto Mobile, the Nokia E61 provides seamless and encrypted mobile connectivity. Full attachment handling (documents, spreadsheets, presentations, PDF viewer and ZIP manager) and an editing function (document, spreadsheet and presentation) are included. The Nokia E61 can send and receive emails, even when on a phone call. The Nokia E61 operates in GSM850/900/1800/1900 and WCDMA2100 networks. The last model, the Nokia E70 looks like a standard smartphone, but it opens to a full messaging keyboard. Like the Nokia E60 and Nokia E61, the Nokia E70 supports a common set of applications like advanced voice and email. Nokia will offer two versions of the Nokia E70 - one optimized for mobile networks in Europe and Asia (GSM900/1800/1900/WCDMA 2100) and one optimized for mobile networks in the Americas (GSM850/1800/1900), yet both versions are able to roam in GSM networks across regions. Podrzava mnostvo opcija tipa Internet phone calls (Voice over IP or VoIP) , Push to talk, i ostale SIP-based tehnologije, a da nepricam o ostalim intewrnet servisima tipa e-mail i drugo. ne znam dali ce biti zajebanija od N serije
  18. Gospodin

    Nokia N91

    Jel taj telefon Symbian based ... ili nesto drugo, cena mu je bezobrazna samo cu to reci :)
  19. jos jedan fix Install this update to address several possible issues associated with connecting a Serial Bus Protocol 2 (SBP-2) device, such as an IEEE 1394 device, to a Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2-based computer. After you install this item, you may have to restart your computer. Download
  20. ma ko ce da skida 135 mega :) inace sto se tice tog nazovimo "service pack'a" kao sto je ays rekao to je smao skup updateova do odredjenog perioda, jel jedno vreme ja sam skidao nesto na isti fazon samo se zvalo Mesecni update'ovi i fix'ovi za win XP . Tako da ko moze da skida neka skine slobodno i instalira :)
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