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The X
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Everything posted by Dz

  1. kako mi se gleda! kad ce izatji?
  2. pa da al to je namerno tako tj nije nikakav minus, naprotiv inache je valjda i chuvena po tome shto prvih 11 minuta niko ni rech ne izgovara
  3. ja sam gledala Texhnolyze i dobar je bash, preporuka s moje strane ako volish taj fazon
  4. lol necro ribe :))) isidora i jelena
  5. treba izdrzati tri dana akcijanja u mojim godinama ufff
  6. i mojoj tetki se svidjaju rur majice tako da mozda i za nju uzmem
  7. ako mislish na La loune rouge dobro mislish :)))
  8. vi koji trazite slike sa cosplay-a zar nije bolje da se lepo pojavite tamo sutra?
  9. ma to me ortak slikao fonom, imam ja aparat
  10. ok ok okachicu slike drale ak idesh javi mi ja ne znam dal cu stici sutra mislim iscimacu se mozda ako ti budesh
  11. shjeeee mogli ste da mi kazete to pre nego shto sam pogledala 70+ epizoda :(((
  12. ne :P i netju da kazem, iznenadjenje
  13. danas bubica i sutra zaboravish gazu u nechijem stomaku!
  14. sve mi teze ove vrucine padaju :(((
  15. haha dodji na cosplay, a i preporuchujem ti Ayakashi anime btw. bicu neko iz one anime koju sam ti dala hihihihihihihihi!
  16. hunter x hunter bio zanimljiv u pochetku, kasnije u ovim ovama malo smorio, pogotovo shto posle 70 ili koliko ukupno epizoda, i vishe, nije cela pricha zavrshena :(
  17. kakav ti je to avatar budalo Oo MUCC-Sora to ito The tiny pure white flower is dyed red, it’s shaking in the wind now Close your eyes until you fall asleep With pierced ears in this sad world, sneers are what I hate I walk with my tail raised like a middle finger Now I’m wet from the endless rain I want it to dry up like my tears I just shivered with each lonely tomorrow Until the day that I met you A withdrawn young girl, who stubbornly clings on Who never gets tired and brings herself here everyday Now I’m wet from the endless rain I extend my ego, pretending it’s affection If I’m gonna steal everything like I did that day Don’t give me anything anymore, not a single thing A young girl stands still, without an umbrella, in the pouring rain Are you crying? Where are you hurt? Tell me I’ll stay by your side until you smile, like always The rain washed everything away Come when you’re ready, I’m right here A stray cat blushes from a goodbye kiss And quickly crosses the street I hear the noise of braking for a time My body is heavy, the sky is beautiful And the tiny flower that resembled you Was always shaking sadly in the wind
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