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The X
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Everything posted by Dz

  1. Dz

    Three-parent embryo

    Iako volimo kitu, treba vas eliminisati iz osvete and pakosti:)))
  2. Dz

    Pardon [off topic]

    ja sam jela pljeskavice od pasa
  3. Jel sam ja nekad bila pred banom?
  4. Ocu ja da budem moderator!:))
  5. A shto ne kazhesh da je generalizacija kad krenu ostali da kake 'ribe su takve i takve...'
  6. Krava mozhe da se popenje uz merdevine al ne mozhe da sidje
  7. stvarno ti je odvratan avatar Chizra
  8. X Files, Homocide, Treci kamen od sunca, Simpsonovi, Ren i Stimpi
  9. U jbt. shta je to popio za nesanicu i koliko?!?? Znamo se
  10. Sad ce game frikovi mozhda da me pljuju, ali stvarno je bruka and sramota da od Industrije naprave igraonicu! A shto se Prodigy-a tiche, vodi me bivsha izgleda! :)))
  11. -Frequently wears black clothing. -Wears band and/or rock t-shirts. -Wears excessive black eye makeup, lipstick or nailpolish. -Wears any odd, silver jewelry or symbols. Some of these include: reversed crosses, pentagrams, pentacles, ankhs or various other Satanic worshipping symbols. -Listens to gothic or any other anti-social genres of music. (Marilyn Manson claims to be the anti-Christ, and publicly speaks against the Lord. Please discard any such albums IMMEDIATELY.) -Associates with other people that dress, act or speak eccentrically. -Shows a declining interest in wholesome activities, such as: the Bible, prayer, church or sports. -Shows an increasing interest in death, vampires, magic, the occult, witchcraft or anything else that involves Satan. -Takes drugs. -Drinks alcohol. -Is suicidal and/or depressed. -Sleeps too excessively or too little. -Is excessively awake during the night. -Dislikes sunlight or any other form of light. (This pertains to vampires promoting the idea that His light is of no use.) -Demands an unusual amount of privacy. -Spends large amounts of time alone. -Requests time alone and quietness. (This is so that your child may speak to evil sprits through meditation.) -Insists on spending time with friends while unaccompanied by an adult. -Disregards authority figures; teachers, priests, nuns and elders are but a few examples of this. -Misbehaves at home. -Eats goth-related foods. Count Dracula cereal is an example of this. -Plays videos games that contains violence or are of a role-playing nature. -Uses the internet excessively and frequently makes time for the computer. -violently shakes head to music. -Dances to music in a provocative or sexual manner. -Expresses an interest in sex. -Is homosexual and/or bisexual. -Pursues dangerous cult religions. Such include: Satanism, Scientology, Philosophy, Paganism, Wicca, Hinduism and Buddhism. -Wears pins, stickers or anything else that contains these various phrases: "I'm so gothic, I'm dead", "woe is me", "I'm a goth". -Claims to be a goth. BUAHAHAHAAAAA! I shta, zbog ovoga sam nenormalna?!?
  12. Meni Manson bash ima dobar glas, stvarno ne znam shta vam je. Shto se Vila Valoa tiche, ma koliko ga vecina mrzela, morate priznati da extra glas ima. :P Setih se josh Sandre Nasic i Peter Heppnera (Wolfsheim, pevao pesme "I feel you', 'Once in the lifetime' - ko ne zna)
  13. Mislim da boxeri imaju najbolju narav
  14. Da, hocu da znam ko je sve i zashto bio pred banom!
  15. I ja sam chula da je bio neko od tih filozofa
  16. Da, da, pivo, chast, gotika i mast! jesu stvarno debele, 90%, al nekolicina riba koje su dobre su stvarno extra!
  17. Ivane da nisi ovo postovao, nikad ne bi shvatila shta je lik pitao LOL
  18. Mislim da je najbitnije u Pesminoj prichi povez preko ochiju, a kasnije i vezivanje. Stvar je u poverenju. Moglo je tamo da bude nekih pet napaljenih ludaka, ili onaj crnchuga u betmenovom odelu:D
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