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Everything posted by cyBhoneR

  1. Lik je lvl 20,a ako se ja dobro secam ranked dobijas na 13lvl
  2. Changelog Stable - 0.52.126010 New Items: Full Ghillie suite Stone Knife Torch Guts Chainsaw Meat cleaver Prison uniform Silencer east Silencer NATO Handgun Silencer V3S interior Teddy bear Long Sword MP5 Compensator Prison Jacket Prison Pants Prison Cap Hunting Knife Pumpkin seeds Pepper seeds Wool dress (color variants) Bomber jacket (color variants) V3S (color variants) New Mechanics: Suicide (variants) Using scopes for scouting Redone horticulture mechanics Redone spawn points and amount of vehicles Exiting and entering animations for vehicles Christmas presents Crafting of fishing rod, stone knife, bow, with nature only resources You can cut out seeds out of vegetables Torch crafting Blade sharpening Silencers working Using of almost all items for melee New locations: Kamensk village Stary Yar village Location "Lysaya Gora" "Grozovye Doly" Krasnoe village Christmass assets Meadows and Farms under Svergino village Ratnoe village Zaptudnoe village Zaprudnoe kolhoz Meadows and Farms near Grishino Polesovo village Updated locations: Stary Yar surrounding Kamensk mining complex Severograd mines Powerlines is now connected with West part of map Forest improvments General bugfixing Fixed: Muzzle blast, Impact sounds fixed. Small fish trap exploit fixed Supressor visible on steyraug now Damage transfer added to ghillie crafting Security fixes Telescopic Baton retracting Improved heatpack and gut heat transfer, support for multiple heat sources Drowning while cuffed under water surface Heatpack and more items properly positioned in hand Supressor visible on steyraug now Animation polish Loot distribution polish and much much more. Known Issues: Item locked in hands slot Items can't be picked up sometimes Left earpice sound volume is lowered sometimes Ghillie will probably react badly on chemlight, flare and other light sources Some items will visually duplicate themselves if used from the ground Server crashes Client crash when disconnected from server
  3. Probaj da update-ujes drajvere.Mozda je to problem.
  4. Ako pisti moze biti da je problem maticna.
  5. Puca igra i to dosta puta. I sto je najgore kad se vratis u igru,ako si trcao,nacices se kilometar dalje od mesta gde ti je pukla igra. Barem se to meni desilo. I obavezno pukne kad se izadje sa nekog servera.
  6. Ja i dalje tvrdim da bi bilo mnogo kvalitetnije da svi imaju neki pocnetni mmr tipa 1500 kao u honu.U honu mmr radi mnogo bolje nego u doti. Na 1750 mmr jako je tesko naici na retarda,osim ako nije kupio acc naravno
  7. Pa valjda misli na ovog lika ? :D
  8. Jel moguce da imas vise minusa od komentara ? :D
  9. Zaista si bolesnik. Ne znam cemu ljudi poput tebe hejtuju vw?
  10. gde ti vidis da se favorizuje vw? 0,o
  11. Meni se jako svidja. Bukvalno sam nabio 100ti lvl za 2 dana i to onako,casual. Svidja mi se jako ekspanzija,nadam se da je nece usrati sa pechevima
  12. Boze jel moguc ovaj am. Idemo triple i on 3 puta u 5 minuta dive-uje u drugi toranj magnusu i nahrani ga ko budalu a njegov drugar jakiro ga prati u stopu iako nas troica pingujemo da idu b. U 26 minutu AM-a ubije rubick kako ne znam ni sam. I sto je najgore igram sledeci game,upadnu protiv mene,naravno odma markira moj team sta ce ko da igra,meni zapadne support,odigram svoj deo posla i bum , ovaj sto je igrao AM-a bukvalno otkine debila na midu koji vice kako se prepio vodke. http://www.dotabuff.com/matches/1069930068
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