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Everything posted by LaG

  1. a mogo bi me i dodati ingame pa da odigramo koju /addfriend ChoboJew
  2. btw, ovde ima mnogo mudrih saveta i korisnih informacija: http://dow2.info/coh/CoH-Stats_About.html
  3. munitions halftrack je svakako super varijanta u sluchaju kada idesh na tank hunters doktorinu jer stvarno nemash na shta da troshish municiju. super dodje i za postavljanje mina naravno. btw si provalio onaj ability od at halftraka da radi kao snajper? focused firing kada ukljuchish at halftrak ne mashi peshadiju (znachi 1 shottuje sve), sporije se krece (da ne bi mogao da jurish skvodove u ritritu) ali i brzhe puca! znachi 2 at halftraka za sveukupno 80 municije (2x40) za 15 sekundi mogu da istope dva rifle skvoda sa lakocom :D opet - ogroman kuldaun i to...
  4. samo za riflemane mada su riflemani medju najopasnijim jedinicama sa vet-om, pogotovo kada uzmu panzershrek. shrek je najjache infantry antitenk oruzhje (sa najvecim damage-om i penetracijom) i jedini setbek shreka je shto je jako neprecizan. riflemani sa vetom dobijaju em preciznost, em povecanje damage-a, pa ti vidi :) a to za smanjenje upkeep-a - to nikada nisam razumeo da li samo za peshadiju smanjuje upkeep ili i za vozila. ja mislim da samo za peshadiju to radi. u stvakom sluchaju su oba nivoa (barem za mene) a must kada uzmem infantry ili airborn doktorinu...
  5. pa ne igrash preko minimape nego svako malo bacish oko na nju. jebesh ga, ako vidish trougao nije bash svejedno dal je dzhip ili je puma :) i slichne fore. e da, evo ti josh jedan tip. kada otkrivash jedinice ispod fog of war-a (bilo vampirom ili britanskom trigonometrijom) kada lupish nulu na numpadu tj kada ukljuchish tactical map - umesto samo tachkica i trouglica videcesh tachno koja je koja jedinica na minimapi. to chini razliku da li cesh baciti howitzera na pantera ili na inf blob, kao i da li cesh proci jednim putem tenkom (gde ima pak i stormse) ili drugim (gde nema nichega). inache kada si britanac a igrash protiv vermahta - niposhto ne uzimaj doktorinu pre nego shto skontash koju je on uzeo. ako uzme blitzkrig - ti uzimash komandose zbog trigonometrije koja onda detektuje kamuflirane stormtrupere, jer ako ti se ti doshunjaju do baze sa dual shrekovima - pada hq truck. ako on uzme difensiv - ti uzimash arty doktorinu jer ce wehr onda biti dosta statichniji pa mu ne odgovara ni kriping barazh a ni 1 sec arty (nikad nije lepo ostaviti medic bunker ili 88 sam). inzhenjeri i terror se ne kaunteruju obavezno, ali ako nishta drugo ima nekih prednosti u odnosu na druge doktorine (zgrade tezhe umiru od firestorma i v1-a, imash samo rashtrkane inzhenjere i cherchile tako da ne mozhe jedan firestorm da ti ubije sav infantry itd itd).
  6. povecan je accuracy shrekovima + imaju pume upgunnovane, raniji tenk od amera (stug, geshutz) i najjachi armor u igri (permanentni vet i te fore) to za vampira nije teshko zavuci negde da "sisa" samo morash obavezno napraviti negde opasan napada da bi odvukao pazhnju ljudima. mnogo dobrim igrachima koji stalno gledaju na minimapu, ipak, ne mozhesh prodati tu foru... sada sam na gamereplays video da je neki lik napisao neshto shto je jako dobra ideja za AT granate. munitions halftrack ima tu ulogu da jedinicama blizu kojih je drastichno smanjuje vreme kuldauna abilitija (kao defensive operations u bazi). panzer grenadirci sa at granatama i munitions halftrakom u bazi britanca... mmmm :)
  7. meni je tirajon oduvek bio dobrica? mislim on je najmanje lanister od svih lanistera tj ima sve njihove vrline, a nema njihove mane... valjda sam ga ja samo tako dozhiveo, nemam pojma.
  8. nisu amerima topove nerfovali. mislim nerfovali su ono ko i paku da ne sabija vishe snajpere i peshadiju nego da at gun sluzhi da bude at gun. pak su UGROBARILI zato shto pak kada puca iz kamuflazhe ima povecan accuracy, a valjda i damage. 3 takva shota + trostruka kamuflazha (tj nemogucnost detektovanja paka) su smrt. em ga ne mozhesh usnajpovati, em ne znash gde je pa kuda uopshte treba da ga flenkujesh, em su ta tri shota sa povecanim acc-om i damage-om dovoljna da ti prepolove shermana. ne do ti bog da ima chovek 2 paka. na jednom mestu... pg gewher blob je sada postao dosta jak. jebem li ga, chini mi se kao da su malo previshe ojachali pg protiv saveznika. dve stvari koje su bile najgori kaunter za PE, a to su strafe i 1sec arty, su dosta oslabili i sada to znachi da PE ne mora obavezno protiv airborne-a da ide na t3 zbog group zeala, vec mozhe da ode na t4 i veteran sargent shto ti omogucuje vrlo brze super grenadirce (3 veta) i brz at halftrak. e sad, ovo ne mora nishta znachiti jer su resetovane tabele pa dobijash i nubove i proove, ali igrao sam dve partije protiv amera i toliko sam ih izurnisao da sam u obe uspeo da istrazhim sve shto se panzer elitovcima mozhe istrazhiti. e sad zamisli vet3 grenadirca sa 4 ljudi koji ima sprint i trchi ti po pozadinskim pointovima i disejbluje ih jedan po jedan... inache evo dva TIP-a za PE koja kontam da vam mogu koristiti: 1. AT GRENADES panzer grenadirci imaju neke abilitije koji su jako jaki i za malo municije ih mozhesh dobiti (dobro, to stoji i za at halftrack i mortar halftrack), a at granate su jedne od njih. evo sad zanimlivih statistika - 2 granate su chesto dovoljno ali 3 komada sigurno ubijaju americhkog howitzera. 2 komada + par hitaca iz automata ili rajfla ubijaju medic station. mislim da 3 ubijaju bilo koji britanski emplacement (mozhda je za howitzera potrebno 4), s tim shto je moguce da kada uzme royal inzhenjere treba vishe (zbog onog abilitija da emplacementi budu jachi). same at granate koshtaju 20! municije. chak je i faust usrani vishe od toga! 20 municije i OOOOGROMAN kuldaun ali svaki chovek koji spamuje panzer grenadirce ce ionako imati defensive operations shto vam omogucuje da se taj kuldaun drastichno priblizhi nuli :) kada udjete u teritoriju vashe baze. jedina losha strana at granata je shto kada gadjate pokretnu metu - mozhete vrlo lako promashiti ako se sama meta krece. to ce se sada smanjiti jer su uveli collision (granate nece vishe "prebacivati" vozila vec ce se sudarati sa njima), ali realno idealna varijanta je neko vozilo prvo imobilisati koristeci thread breaker ability at halftraka, a onda ga dovrshiti at granatama. 2. VAMPIRE HT vampir funkcionishe po sledecem principu: ako jedan tim ima 5 teritorija koje je zauzeo redosledom 1 2 3 4 5 i vi zabodete halftrak na teritoriju koja je zauzeta 2. po redu - vi cete protivnichkom timu krasti pola resursa sa te teritorije (znachi ako je +10 municija, vi cete dobijati +5 po minuti, a oni za 5 manje), dok ce oni od teritorija 3 4 i 5, tj. svih koje su posle te zauzete dobijati samo pola resursa. znachi od tih teritorija vi nishta ne dobijate, ali oni dobijaju drastichno manje. pre je bilo par mapa gde ste vrlo pederski mogli da zavuchete vampira tako da i kada izlaze iz baze jedinice - ne vide vampira (na lorejnu gore levo na +5 municije recimo), a sada, kada se vampir chak i kamuflira kada se "namesti" - kradja resurasa dobija novu dimenziju! josh dve bitne stvari za znati kod vampira: 1. prva je da vampir kada se "namesti" zapravo daje vision u relativno shirokom krugu, ali ne uklanja fog of war vec daje na minimapi (kao i na tactical mapi) pregled jedinica. ovo je dobro u dve situacije - ako vidite da vam se priblizhava neki junit a bilo bi fino sachuvati vampira, ili ako na nekoj pat poziciji zhelite da osvetlite mete za vashe mortare ili howitzere. rizli i meni su jednom neka dva lika na starom mekgishens voru (sada je promenjen pa to nece biti toliko chesta situacija) u pat situaciji kod desetki fuela doshla nekoliko mortara (vermaht a chini mi se i PE) i vampir koji je doshao ispod gornjeg tj nasheg fuela (tamo kod vp-a), rasklopio se tj sisao nam pola tog OP-ovanog fuela i josh osvetljavao mortarima gde da tuku. suvishno je reci da sam im psovao majku. 2. druga stvar koja je bitna kod vampira jeste da on mozhe da napravi golijata. neretko sam zavrshavao partije tim govancetom, a desi mi se chesto sa tank hunters doktorinom (u njoj nemate na shta da troshite municiju) da mogu sebi da priushtim nekoliko komada komotno. eto, treba i to imati na umu. :)
  9. usrali su geshutz koji je bio jak, usrali su pak koji je bio bastion cele wehr odbrane i usrali su pume koje su bile neunishtive na vet3. jesu poboljshali volkse i mg ali su zato poboljshali i granate da ne prebacuju. si probao nekada da idesh na fast nades? to kida i sada kada mashe bombe, a kako ce tek biti kada izadje pech? jedina rasa koju su ojachali pretezhno su PE
  10. kako su ih oslabili? flame sherman ima duzhi range i konstantniji damage (manje je luck based sada), granate ne mashe, inzhenjere vishe ne supressuje dugometrazhni prdezh a mortar vishe ne mashi ko pre. jedino shto su kao nerfovali malo je at gun (koji i dalje sabija protiv voziila kao shto je i trebalo da bude) i t17 tako da vishe ne kasapi peshadiju toliko strashno... da ne pominjem shto ce helket biti novi imba tenk. @dule - samo mi josh to fali!
  11. 18. maja u Novom Sadu, u mesnoj zajednici na Detelinari, ukradena su dva Pioneer CDJ1000mk3 CD plejera, kao i mikseta Pioneer DJM800. Sve tri komponente bile su u tri posebna kofera proizvodjaca - Road Ready. Na spravama i na koferima su postojale nalepnice - Audiolab. U sluchaju da neko stupi u kontakt sa momcima koji su imali kontakt sa opremom ili nachuju neshto - molimo Vas da nam javite na broj 063/834-73-20. serijski brojevi opreme su cdj1000mk3 - GJMP042030YY cdj1000mk3 - GJMP041997YY djm800 - GDMP009142YY Hvala
  12. PECH IZLAZI U UTORAK AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! v2.602 – Operation Torch Maps 3 new maps have been added to the game: 2p Carpiquet 6p Refinery 6p Steel Pact 3 new community map have been added to the game: 2p Duclair 2p Egletons 4p Alsace Moselle The following maps have received significant balance changes: 2p Beaux Lowlands 2p Flooded Plains 2p Ruins of Rouen 2p Sturzdorf 2p Wrecked Train 4p Duclair 4p Lorraine 4p McGechaen's War 4p Point Du Hoc 4p Rails and Metal Bug Fixes Units no longer continue to crawl after recovering from Suppression Chance for a kill critical on vehicles is now properly being updated when they've received other non-kill criticals (5% bug) Unbuilt Tank Traps cannot be repeatedly spawned around enemy vehicles All vehicles now properly have vehicle cover Registered Artillery can no longer target field defenses Registered Artillery can no longer be refunded after use M18 Hellcat can now be detected Goliath can now be detected Recon Squads can now detect camouflage while moving Teller Mines no longer have a chance to miss vehicles in vehicle cover The Hotchkiss now properly shares experience with other PE units ATHT's using Focus Fire now have intended accuracy vs moving British infantry Hetzer Veterancy requirements reduced to standard M10 Veterancy requirements increased to standard Panzer IV Stubby now prioritizes light vehicles over infantry StuH now prioritizes infantry over vehicles PE Panzerschrecks no longer convert to Wehrmacht Panzerschrecks when dropped Geschutzwagen wrecks can now be salvaged for Munitions Luftwaffe reinforce time reduced to standard Paks and Nebelwerfers can now use Medkits AT Grenades now collide with enemy vehicles Hetzer and Jagdpanther CP reward increased to standard Panther Battlegroups are much less likely to fail to spawn the second Panther Medics no longer detect camouflage Snipers and weapon teams can now pick up Supply Drops Tank Traps can no longer be placed so close together that they block infantry 105mm Howitzers are now re-crewed with 3 squad members Removed the chance for the Pak38 support members to one-hit kill infantry Bombing Run no longer does double damage to Vet 3 StuGs M10 no longer has increased accuracy vs skirted PanzerIVs Wehr Officer 81mm Mortar Bombardment can no longer be interrupted to produce false smoke Panther Battle Groups and OMCGs will not refund their cost if partially called in on an unfinished building AT Guns no longer avoid their reload time by resetting the gun after a shot Panthers now properly benefit from Tank Destroyer's APCR upgrade Nebelwerfer rockets no longer have a chance to instantly kill all occupants of a building Sappers with the Demolitions & Disposal upgrade are no longer negatively affected by the Lieutenants movement aura Pioneer Call-in now has proper requirements after the HQ is destroyed PE Armored Cars are no longer resistant to engine damage from mines Ranger Bazookas no longer drop with greater frequency than other slot items Propaganda War's chance to not trigger on targets has been removed in most instances Snipers are now able to re-enter camouflage after a reasonable duration after exiting a building "Burst Fire" effects have been reduced on the Ostwind, Puma, and PE Armored Car Kettenkrad's can now repair resource points that have had Scorched Earth used on them American Medics are now selectable (to see unit health) Demolition Charges can now be targeted by weapons Stickybombs can now be interrupted by retreat commands Panzerfaust can now be interrupted by retreat commands General Speech Some speech files missing from Wehrmacht and Panzer Elite upgrades have been restored Medics Health reduced from 120 to 60 Snipers Accuracy vs garrisoned units increased from 75% to 100% Will no longer automatically seek cover before firing Flamethrowers Damage vs units in open cover reduced from 1.0x to 0.85x Damage vs units in negative cover reduced from 1.0x to 0.75x Damage vs Soldier Armour reduced from 1.0x to 0.95x Damage vs buildings increased from 0.5x to 0.6x Infantry Flamethrower max damage reduced from 40 to 30, min damage increased from 15 to 25 Sherman and Churchill Flamethrower max damage reduced from 40 to 35, min damage increased from 20 to 30 Halftrack Flamethrower max damage increased from 30 to 35, min damage increased from 10 to 30 Grenades No longer have a chance to miss the targeted location Abilities Weapon using Abilities can no longer be used while Pinned Base Buildings All base buildings can now reinforce American Engineers Suppression threshold increased to match other infantry Suppression recovery threshold increased to match other infantry Upgrading with flamethrowers now increases your suppression modifier by 1.5x Mortar Barrage scatter angle reduced from 15 to 10 Set-up time reduced from 2.4s to 1.5s Pack-up time reduced from 2.8s to 1.9s .30 Cal HMG Pack-up time reduced from 2.5s to 2.1s Ready aim time decreased from 0.3 to 0.1 (it will aim faster) Anti-Tank Gun Reinforcement cost reduced from 71 to 26 Accuracy vs Anti-Tank guns reduced from 0.5x to 0.1x Accuracy vs Infantry reduced from 0.15x to 0.05x Accuracy vs Snipers reduced from 0.15x to 0.02x Targeting priority vs Snipers reduced from 10 to 5 Weapon health increased from 300 to 390 Sherman Crocodile Range increased from 20 to 25 Vet 2 1.5x Penetration bonus replaced with a 0.8x Cooldown bonus M18 Hellcat Speed increased from 6.0 to 7.2 Acceleration increased from 1.5 to 2.0, Deceleration increased from 3.8 to 4.4 Vet 2 bonus is now 1.5x Penetration rather than +1.25 Range Hellcat penetration at short range increased from .65x to .75x, medium range from 0.55x to 0.69x, and long range from 0.4x to 0.63x Target table now identical to the M10's Damage bonus from camouflage reduced from 2.0x to 1.5x Penetration bonus from camouflage reduced from 5.0x to 1.5x M26 Pershing Cost reduced from 900 Manpower to 800 Manpower Off-Map Combat Group M8s and Hellcats now spawn with their upgrades Population requirement increased from 12 to 15 Off Map Artillery Damage modifier vs Pak38s reduced from 2.0x to 1.33x Jeep Received Accuracy from the Pak reduced from 1.0x to 0.75x Received Accuracy modifier from the Pak while moving reduced from 0.75x to 0.5x Received Damage from the 57mm ATG reduced from 1.0x to 0.5x Strafing Run Significant changes to make Strafe more effective against groups of units and less effective against single units Sticky Bombs Deflection Damage enabled, set to 50% Accuracy increased to prevent thrown Stickies from missing their intended target Riflemen Received XP bonus from BARs and Stickies reduced from 5% to 0% Received XP bonus from Supply Yard 2 increased from 20% to 30% T17 Cooldown lowered from 2-2.5 to 0 Reload increased from 1 to 3.5 Health increased from 175 to 265 Vet 1 Health bonus reduced from +175 to +50 Fixed an issue where the T17 had a harder time penetrating the rear armour of some vehicles Fixed an issue where the T17 would fail to penetrate Snipers Wehrmacht Kampfkraft Center Now requires a built base structure or a FHQ Pak 38 Number of camouflage shots reduced from 3 to 1 Cost reduced from 310 Manpower to 290 Manpower Reinforcement cost reduced from 57 to 23 Accuracy vs Anti-Tank Guns reduced from 0.5x to 0.1x Accuracy vs Infantry reduced from 0.15x to 0.05x Accuracy vs Snipers reduced from 0.15x to 0.02x Accuracy vs Shermans increased from 1.0x to 1.1x Accuracy vs Cromwells increased from 0.8x to 1.0x Accuracy vs Pershings increased from 1.08 to 1.15 Targeting priority vs Snipers reduced from 10 to 5 Weapon health increased from 300 to 390 Panzerschreck Accuracy vs M8 Greyhound Armour increased from 0.73x to 0.85x Accuracy vs M3 Halftrack Armour reduced from 1.0x to 0.85x Accuracy vs Stuart Armour reduced from 1.0x to 0.85x Damage vs Stuart Armour reduced from 1.0x to 0.7x 88mm Flak 36 Accuracy vs Infantry reduced from 0.5x to 0.15x Accuracy vs Snipers reduced from 0.25x to 0.05x Targeting priority vs Snipers reduced from 10 to 5 Puma Received Accuracy bonuses while moving from Vet removed Level 2 Veterancy sight bonus increased from 4 to 10 Officer Build Time reduced from 45s to 25s StuG Acceleration increased from 1.7 to 2.5, Deceleration increased from 2.0 to 3.0 G-Wagon Damage lowered from 250 to 185 MG Gunner now requires Vet 2 Vet 3 bonus reduced from 0.5x Reload to 0.75x Reload Accuracy vs Anti-Tank Guns reduced from 0.65x to 0.2x Nebelwerfer Suppression radius reduced from 18 to 13.5 StuH CP cost lowered from 3 to 2 Cost lowered from 600 Manpower to 500 Manpower Tiger CP cost increased from 4 to 5 Cost lowered from 900 Manpower to 800 Manpower Assault Grenades Maximum damage lowered from 35 to 25, minimum damage lowered from 25 to 10 Low health kill critical chance increased from 0% to 30% Knights Cross Holders Now passively regenerate 21.12 Health per Minute Received Damage from BARs, Brens, and Thompsons reduced from 0.85x to 0.78x Firestorm Damage vs 105mm Howitzers reduced from 1.0x to 0.35x Medkits Cost reduced from 35 Munitions to 30 Munitions Goliaths Goliaths can no longer be Buttoned Goliath rotation speed increased from 45 to 65 Rocket Barrage Long AoE increment damage increased from 0.1x to 0.2x AoE accuracy increased to 100% Panzerfaust Damage vs Bren Carriers increased from 1.3x to 1.45x Accuracy increased from 100% to 200% at all ranges Accuracy vs infantry halved Blitzkrieg Cost reduced from 150 Munitions to 125 Munitions Manpower Blitz Cost reduced from 200 Munitions to 175 Munitions MG42 Cost reduced from 260 Manpower to 250 Manpower Build time reduced from 40s to 35s Pack-up time reduced from 2.5s to 2.1s Weapon health increased from 300 to 390 Halftrack Received Accuracy bonuses while moving from Vet removed Motorcycle Received Accuracy bonuses while moving from Vet removed Schwimmwagen Received Accuracy bonuses while moving from Vet removed Cost reduced from 240 Manpower to 225 Manpower Build time reduced from 45s to 40s Volksgrenadiers Reinforce percentage reduced from 0.5x to 0.4x Capture speed increased from 1.0x to 1.25x upon reaching Skirmish Phase Light MG42 Drop chance reduced from 60% to 30% Long Range Accuracy increased from 0.1x to 0.13x Commonwealth Kangaroo Cost increased from 240/10 to 300/45 Health reduced from 650 to 550 Speed reduced from 6.5 to 5.85 Build time increased from 35s to 45s Staghound Damage vs Infantry Armour reduced from 1.75x to 1.5x Damage vs Airborne Armour reduced from 1.0x to 0.75x Damage vs Heroic Armour reduced from 0.85x to 0.75x Damage vs Sniper Armour reduced from 1.5x to 1.0x Damage vs Soldier Armour reduced from 1.5x to 1.0x Accuracy vs Elite Armour reduced from 1.0x to 0.75x Accuracy vs Soldier Armour reduced from 1.0x to 0.75x Sappers Now have the Wirecutters ability 17 Pounder Health increased from 400 to 450 Accuracy vs Anti-Tank Guns reduced from 0.5x to 0.1x Accuracy vs Infantry reduced from 0.15x to 0.05x Accuracy vs Snipers reduced from 0.15x to 0.02x Targeting priority vs Snipers reduced from 10 to 5 Lieutenants Now receive a 0.85x Received Damage modifier at Vet 1 Vet 2 Received Accuracy modifier increased from 0.9x to 0.75x Now receive a 0.75x Received Accuracy modifier at Vet 3 Lieutenants' aura's stackable damage modifier at veterancy level 1 has been reduced from 1.125 to 1.04 Lieutenants' aura's non-stackable damage modifier at veterancy level 1 has been increased from 1.025 to 1.11 Lieutenants' aura's stackable damage modifier at veterancy level 2 has been increased from 1.025 to 1.065 Lieutenant's aura radius increased from 25 to 30 PIATs Penetration modifier at short and medium range reduced from 2.0x to 1.0x Reload modifier at long range reduced from 1.6x to 1.2x Projectile speed increased from 10 to 15 Penetration vs skirted Panthers reduced from .15 to .112 Penetration vs skirted PIV reduced from .449 to .337 Penetration vs skirted StuG reduced from .332 to .249 Damage vs Infantry Armour reduced from 0.5x to 0.33x Damage vs Heroic Armour reduced from 0.5x to 0.33x Damage vs Elite Armour reduced from 0.5x to 0.2x Damage vs Sniper Armour reduced from 1.0x to 0.2x Damage vs Soldier Armour reduced from 1.0x to 0.33x Mortar Pit Build Time reduced from 90s to 60s While under construction received damage modifier increased from 0.5x to 0.75x Damage reduced from 20 to 18 Supercharged range decreased from 100 to 90 Recon Section Recon Sections can no longer build Trenches Churchills Churchill and AVRE Population lowered from 14 to 8 Churchill Crocodile Population lowered from 16 to 10 Churchill 6 Pounder gun AoE distance increased from 0.1/0.25/0.5 to 0.15/0.5/1.0 Bofors Build time reduced from 90 seconds to 60 seconds Bren Carrier Self-Repair ability is disabled while the Carrier is garrisoned Garrison disabled while Self-Repair is active Panzer Elite Halftracks All Panzer Elite halftracks have received an update to their pathfinding Panzer-Jaeger Kommand Build time increased from 115 to 135 Gewehr 43 Maximum cooldown reduced from 1.8 to 1.65, minimum cooldown reduced from 1.25 to 1.15 Suppressive Volley Fire now Suppresses the target Suppressive Volley Fire slow duration reduced from 20s to 5s Incendiary Grenade Hotkey changed from "Y" to "N" Kettenkrad Sight Range increased from 35 to 55 No longer autotamically moves out of the way of other vehicles Schwimmwagen Sight Range increased from 35 to 55 Mark Target cooldown increased from 10 seconds to 45 seconds Mark Target Munitions cost increased from 0 to 15 Incendiary Trap trigger radius increase from 0.5 to 2 Incendiary Trap's damage-over-time modifier vs British infantry increased from 1.0 to 1.25 Infantry Halftrack Accuracy vs Light Cover increased from 0.75x to 0.8x Panzerschreck Accuracy vs M8 Greyhound Armour increased from 0.73x to 0.85x Accuracy vs M3 Halftrack Armour reduced from 1.0x to 0.85x Accuracy vs Stuart Armour reduced from 1.0x to 0.85x Damage vs Stuart Armour reduced from 1.0x to 0.7x Scout Car Detection radius increased from 9 to 18 Vampire Halftrack Divert Supplies now camouflages the Vampire while active Population reduced from 4 to 2 Munitions Halftrack Cost reduced from 200/15 to 200 Population reduced from 4 to 2 Armoured Car Detection radius lowered from 9 to 0 Accuracy vs garrisoned units increased from 0.4x to 0.45x Vet 2 and Vet 3 increase Health by 20 each Build time increased from 45 to 55 Overdrive ability hotkey changed from "O" to "V" Marder III Sight Main Gun LoS bonus increased from +5 to +10 Tracking speed increased from 10 to 20 Accuracy vs Anti-Tank Guns reduced from 0.65x to 0.2x Population reduced from 8 to 5 Anti-Tank Halftrack Accuracy vs M8 Greyhound Armour increased from 1.0x to 1.05x Treadbreaker cost increased from 40 Munitions to 50 Munitions Population reduced from 6 to 4 Hotchkiss Accuracy vs Infantry increased from 0.5x to 0.6x Stuka upgrade cost reduced from 150 Munitions to 100 Munitions Stuka Barrage cooldown reduced by 10 seconds per Vet level Bergetiger Population reduced from 10 to 8 Hummel Population reduced from 12 to 10 Base-Sector Flakvierlings Population reduced from 3 to 0
  13. SUTRA SE VIDIMO LOL! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_4CdWFH7is satnica je: tole 2-3h lol toma i lag ostalo vreme lol smenjujemo se malo on malo ja jel da da je dobra satnica, kao magija iz ochiju ili sreca u zagrljaju voljene osobe pochetak u 23h vidimo se caos drugari!
  14. ja ne kapiram o chemu vi raspravljate - pa i knjigu kada chitash sve je konfuzno. treba da skontash petsto nekih likova, kuca, plotova i slichnih gluposti. takva je pricha. ko nece da se udubi - odustace, a ko hoce iskusice jednu od najboljih pricha isprichanih. ako vam je teshko da gledate - nemojte gledati. btw prva knjiga je napisana tako da je 80% knjige slow paced smor, a onda krene frka ogromna. moguce da su u seriji krenuli ranije sa frkom. bilo kako bilo - bitno je da random srbin zna bolje od tvorca serije kako treba prichu isprichati.
  15. isus hrist kurac mu je chist olololo krist isus stran mu je klitus lololo
  16. http://www.gamereplays.org/companyofheroes/replays.php?game=25&show=details&id=209662 kakvo klanje... jedna od najzabavnijih koje sam odigrao! :D
  17. LaG


    problem mw-a je shto je mnogo bolji od petice i sedmice (mislim na single player) ali eto recimo sedmica usere stvar i sad je pitanje da li ce mw3 imati dobar odaziv. drugo je bilo kada je trejarch napravio peticu (ww2) pa nije ugrozio uspeh shestice (mw2), al sad je stvarno pitanje shta ce biti
  18. bozhe mili kakva sisa gospodarska
  19. PETAK 20. MAJ LOL!!!!!!!! ruzhne boje su takodje in! evo i alternativnog flajera!
  20. i to duo koji je jako abjuzoavo igru. pejstovacu sa drugog foruma:
  21. http://www.gamereplays.org/companyofheroes/replays.php?game=25&show=details&id=207909 rizla i ja izownovali drink duo :D
  22. znachi jesus dresup mi je mejdovo dej
  23. eto ja malo u velegrad da sviram pa ko bude raspolozhen da se drogira (drogoshi, znam da vas ima) neka svrati
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