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Prodaja WoW Gametime za EU gold
Lethalpain replied to Lethalpain's topic in WoW Gamecards, Cdkeys, Raf, Leveling
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Prodaja WoW Gametime za EU gold
Lethalpain replied to Lethalpain's topic in WoW Gamecards, Cdkeys, Raf, Leveling
UPDATE: Za golde trebate uzeti minimalno 2 mjeseca, dakle 20k. Imam previse musterija i nemam se kada logat za 10k golda. Hvala -
Prodaja WoW Gametime za EU gold
Lethalpain replied to Lethalpain's topic in WoW Gamecards, Cdkeys, Raf, Leveling
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Prodaja WoW Gametime za EU gold
Lethalpain replied to Lethalpain's topic in WoW Gamecards, Cdkeys, Raf, Leveling
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Prodaja WoW Gametime za EU gold
Lethalpain replied to Lethalpain's topic in WoW Gamecards, Cdkeys, Raf, Leveling
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Prodaja WoW Gametime za EU gold
Lethalpain replied to Lethalpain's topic in WoW Gamecards, Cdkeys, Raf, Leveling
ma samo me dodajte na msn/skype i pitajte kad me vidite online -
Prodaja WoW Gametime za EU gold
Lethalpain replied to Lethalpain's topic in WoW Gamecards, Cdkeys, Raf, Leveling
bio sam 2 dana u splitu poslom, sad sam bk i online -
Prodaja WoW Gametime za EU gold
Lethalpain replied to Lethalpain's topic in WoW Gamecards, Cdkeys, Raf, Leveling
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Pošto si toliko izvisio dat ću ti ja 30 dana besplatno gametime. Samo mi se javi na msn ili skype: http://forum.klanrur.rs/index.php?showtopic=234919381 I pošalji mi na PM tvoj msn/skype molim >_>
Pozz svima sa klanrura! Dakle prodajem WoW gametime za gold na svim Eu serverima. Radim ovo vec 3-4 mjeseca i dnevno prodam i do 50 mjeseci gametime nekada. Radi se o recruit a friend gametime, dakle vi me invajtate preko RAF te mi platite gold i dobijete gametime na account. Mogu addati gametime i na frozen account isto. Prije nego me kontaktirate molim vas da promjenite zemlju u vašem account managementu u United Kingdom (Settings / Concact & Shipping Adress / Edit country). CIJENA: 60 dana WoW gametime: 20k gold X53 raketa + 30 dana gametime: 20k gold UPDATE: Za golde trebate uzeti minimalno 2 mjeseca, dakle 20k. Imam previse musterija i nemam se kada logat za 10k golda. Hvala Ja sam inace iz Hrvatske, te radim hrvatsko tržište accountova za Dušana Radulovića (Dule - Bestwowaccounts.com) koji može za mene garantirati u bilo kojem trenutku!!! Tako da jednostavno možete pitati Duleta za mene. Također surađujem godinama sa Brankom Đuraginom (Nebra) i Vladimirom Kulićem (wow-gold4you.com) koji mogu garantirati za mene isto :). Javite se na msn ili skype: msn: lethaldiamond@yahoo.com skype: lethaldiamond
Pozdrav svima. Nije mi se dalo opet pisati sve na hrvatskom pa sam samo kopirao moj oglas sa wowtrade-a tu. Uglavnom prodajem stvarno pro account sa paladinom + dobijete account sa druidom kao bonus. Main acc (1st): Belf Paladin lvl80, eu pvp realm, Female. - gear: Holy: around 6100+gs, 5 x 277 items (heroic 277 weapon), 2 x t10,25 unbuffed: 3400+ sp, 37k mana (i use Solace of the Fallen sp trinket) Retri: 6000 gs, full 264 geared (mostly from icc10 heroic's) 4 x t10,25, have 2 x 264 weapons to use ( Bryntroll, the Bone Arbiter and heroic Oxheart), trinkets: Whispering Fanged Skull and Death's Choice Tank: dunno gs, but few 264 items, 251, 245.. still in progress.. + some holy and retri pvp gear (nothing much tho) - achies A Tribute to Dedicated Insanity (10 player) Glory of the Icecrown Raider (10 player) Glory of the Ulduar Raider (10 player) The Frozen Throne (10 and 25 player) - titles Argent Defender Kingslayer Starcaller Champion of Ulduar - mounts Traveler's Tundra Mammoth (carries vendor's) Black Drake Bloodbathed Frostbrood Vanquisher (310%) Rusted proto drake (310%) - stuffz and alts 6500+ achies points 300+ frost badges 460 enchanting 450 inscription need just 20 saronite for Shadow's Edge axe qst 32000 gold (32k) on acc ALTS: lots of lowbies with heirlooms 70 mage with TBC epics 72 warlock with TBC epics and Amani War Bear !!! (can't get it anymore) PREPAID UP! I provide you with FULL INFO / CD KEYS / SQ-SA /ID SCAN +++ 2nd acc: U GET 1 BONUS ACCOUNT with Tauren Druid eu pvp realm, male - druid info: - 500g on acc - 450 herb and alchemy (flask master) - epic flyer GEAR: Resto: 6050 gs (full 264 gear) 2 x t10,25 Moonkin: 5850 gs (264 and 251 gear) 2x t10 Tank: 5650 gs ( mix of 245, 251 and 264 gear) + some resto and feral pvp gear - prepaid down MSN: sergejevski@yahoo.com Feel free to ask me anything. I WILL NOT use paypal or any online payment methods WESTERN UNION ONLY / we will use Tragboo middlelman service PRICE: 300€ GL HF >_>
ovako, nije mi se dalo sve opet pisati na hrvatskom pa evo da kopiram sa druge stranice moj oglas. hi there :) im tired of my classes and i want to play some classes that i had before in tbc time. Im original owner of this bnet acc with full info and ID scan + u get starcraft key in bnet also. on acc are: Undead warlock (5650gs) - icc10/25 gear with some 245 also - Nibelung 264 staff as weapon + 251 sword and heroic 245 offhand - enchanting / herbalism - epic flyer (malygos mount + netherdrake) - some pvp gear + voa25 wrathfull legs - dual spec Troll shaman (5300gs) - 245/251 gear for resto + some enha gear aslo - 251 mainhand resto dagger - 2 parts of t10 + solace trinket - dual spec - inscription / enchanting On acc is around 4k golds + mats + gbank. Prepaid is active so i uppgrading gear on both characters. Alts : 70 mage, 58 druid, 50 paladin - BOA items For this acc i want: HORDE DRUID (prefer!!): with 251/264 gear for tank/healer, with good proffs, achies and rares are +++ or mybe Horde paladin: with 251/264 gear for tank/healer, with good proffs, achies and rares are +++ So if u have something like that feel free to concact me on my msn : sergejevski@yahoo.com /cheers eto pa se javite ako imate nesto sta me zanima.
Dakle bit cu kratak. Dosadile mi klase vise i zelim nesto drugo. INFO: Karakteri su na eu pvp serveru horda. Warlock: - 5500gs - icc10/25 gir, nesto 245 (nibelung 264 staff) - 1 kom t10 - dual spec, herb/encha - epic flyer malygos mount Shaman hiler: - 5300gs - icc10/25, 245 itemi - 2 kom t10 - dual spec, healer main spec - normal flyer - insc/encha Uglavnom sa oba mozete raidat sta god zelite. oko 3k golda + matsi altovi: 70 mage, 58 druid i 50 paladin (heirloom opremljeni) OVAko, ja zelim horde DRUIDA ili PALADINA TANKA, bitan mi je tank gear a healing offspec je +++ na oba Ako je karakter 264/251 giran sa dobrim profesijama onda bi cak uzeo i alijancu pa bi napravio faction change.
jbg prvi put sam tu.. sry
ne vidim di da ubacim taj podnaslov za server
Armory link za karatkera/e je/su: o tome kad dodje koja ponuda za trade Uglavnom imam 4 gear seta: TANK- 3/5 t7.5, 2/5 t7, weapon od KT25man (Last Laught) sa blade ward enchantom, (28.5k hp; 537 deff, 25k armor) RETRI- 2/5 t7.5, 1/5 t7, ostali itemi su iz naxx25, weapon je mace iz naxx25 (The Jawbone), (3400 AP; 33.5 crit; 200+ hit) HOLY- mix iz naxx10/25, shoulderi od malygosa25, healing mace od KT10, (2200sp; 20500 mana; 450 haste) pvp HOLY- 4/5 hateful, 1/5 deadly, (1900sp; 20k hp; 16k mana; 718 resi) Sve je enchantano je gemano ofc. Navedeni statsi su unbuffed! PAladin je imba >_< Dodatne informacije vezane za lika: Character je Belf female na eu pvp serveru. Ima dual spec te epic flying mounta (Twilight Drake- drop sa OS25man sa 3 drakea). 1. Professions: Inscription (450) i Herbalism (450), First Aid (450); ima 7-8 novih glyphova iz book of glyph mastery 2. Arena Points: 300 3. Achievement Points: 2.5k a. Titlovi: Jenkins, Twilight Vanquisher, The Undying, Champion of frozen wastes, Challenger 4. PvP Marks a. Wintergrasp: 15 b. Warsong Gulch: 40 c. Alterac Valley: 55 d. Arathi Basin: 35 e. Strand of the Ancients: 20 5. Badges a. Valor: 20 b. Heroism: 50 6. Gold: 5000g Dodatni info: Mene zanima trade za iskljucivo HORDE WARLOCKA i to: - da ima korisne boosting character profesije - da ima dual spec - da ima epic flyinga - full naxx25 pve gear ( ako ima sta ulduar to je velik +++) - deadly/hateful pvp oprema (ako ima furious to je isto velik +++) Da li ste prvi vlasnik? Imam full info ofc!
Pozdrav Zelio bi trejdat acc: Warlock main: armory : http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xm...mp;n=Lethalpain Tek sam ga prebacio na frostmane tako da transfer jos nije moguc. Uglavnom : 5/5 vengeful fali jos dagger a ima 2,6k arena pointa saveano i nekih 40k honora. Poceo sam dizat enchanting 335 za sad i tailor full. Ima nesto golda jer sam potrosio za power lvl enchanting, ali sl/sl lock owna u grindanju tako da to nije problem. Ima i sitno pve opreme u banci, t4x2 itd.. I jos nesto, warlock ima epic flying mounta, Netherdrakea. Na acc-u su jos 2 alta, mage 70 i druid 52: armory : http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xm...mp;n=Lethaldust armory : http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xm...mp;n=Lethaldose Zanimao bi me trade za full vengeful resto DRUIDA ili ROGA. Mozda i Disc priest dolazi u obzir. I da ima epic flying mounta ofc. I da je naravno horda :) Kontakt : mail : sergejevski@yahoo.com mobitel: 0038598/894-864 Pozdrav