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Everything posted by Stealthman

  1. Dali neko moze da pomogne , to jest preciznije , dali neko zna kako se zove img.file ili kako vec sto omogucava igranje Warcrafta 3 bez CD-eova , i gde na netu to mogu download , taj fajl za deamon tolls .
  2. Prodajem Undead Rogue lvl 70 (Sylvanas PvP) Da krenemo od PvP opreme : Head - Merciless Gladiator's Leather Helm Shoulder - Vengeful Gladiator's Leather Spaulders (Za koje inace treba 2 000 reatinga) Chest - Merciless Gladiator's Leather Tunic Hands - Merciless Gladiator's Leather Gloves Legs - Merciless Gladiator's Leather Legguards Neck - Vindicator's Pendant of Triumph Back - Dory's Embrace Wrist - Vindicator's Leather Bracers Waist - Vindicator's Leather Belt Feet - Veteran's Leather Boots Finger - Vindicator's Band of Triumph Finger - Veteran's Band of Triumph Trinket - Medallion of the Horde Trinket - Tsunami Tallisman Weapons-Vengeful Gladiator's Pummeler ( za koje inace treba 1850 reatinga ) Weapons- Vengeful Gladoator's Bonecracker ( za koje inace treba 1850 reatinga) Trow - Vengeful Gladiator's War Edge Takodje imam 7 000 honora , i 1000 arena poena E sad PvE oprema : Head - Deathmantle Helm Shoulder - Deathmantle Shoulderpads Chest - Bloodsea Brigand's Vest Hands - Deathmantle Handguards Legs - Deathmantle Legguards Neck - Worgen Claw Necklace Back - Drape of the Dark Reavers Wrist - Master Assassin Wristwarps Waist - Belt of One-Hundred Deaths Feet - Edgewalker Longboots Finger - Band of Eternity Finger - Ring of Leathality Trinket - Warp-Spring Coil Trinket - Tsunami Tallisman Weapons- Fang of Vashj Weapons- Malchazeen Trow - Serpentshrine Shuriken Pre quest za Black Temple i Hyjal Summit odradjen . Takodjer imam full tier 4 . Ostatak opreme i profesije : Sto se tice mounta situacija je sledeca : Sve moguce mounte sto idu po zemlji 100 % speed Od letecih : Turbo-Charged Flying Machine Control (zahteva inzinjering 375 i ima 300 speed ) Silver Riding Nether Ray ( takodje epix maunt ) Od profesija imam ; Leatheworking i Engineering Na liku imam jos 1 000 golda , takodje imam jos dosta epixa koji nisu bas vredni pokazivanja ali ogu biti korisni . Na acc imam i prista lvl 49 , druid lvl 37 , i jos par low lvl likova . Za sve dodatne informacije obratite se na moj e-mail : Marinamrdjic@hotmail.com POCETNA CENA JE 450 E
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