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Brkata Nakaza

The X
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Everything posted by Brkata Nakaza

  1. dal neko zna partiju kad se garimto brani protiv nekog zerga na lost templu preko sat vremena sa 3 baze a zerg uzeo celu mapu mislim da je jaedong ali nisam siguran , sa arkonima i templarima ima preko 100 kilova po arkonu
  2. realno najjacha si na forumu /join klanmohr steta sto si quitovala fudbal nisi ni svesna dokle bi dogurala
  3. Lo, there do I see Abbott. Lo' there do I see Costello and yellows, blacks, whites and browns. Lo, there do I see the line of aliens back to the begining Lo, they do call to me. They bid me to take my place among them. In the Halls of Arrival, where heptapod may live 3000 years.
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