ti treba da ides kod ushnog
kao prvo obe te stvari su remixi od samuela
kao drugo tiestov remix je godlike i ne moze da se poredi sa williamovim remixom
meni je najbolji adagio od samuela jer sam gledao ovaj film http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0080678/
oh Sinnerman where you run to
oh Sinnerman where you run to
Sinnerman Where you gunna run to
oh Sinnerman where you run to
oh Sinnerman where you run to
Sinnerman Where you gunna run to
I said rock whats a matter with you rock
Dont you see I need you rock
Dont let down
All on that day
I said rock whats a matter with you rock
Dont you see I need you rock
Dont let down
All on that day
I said rock whats a matter with you rock
Dont you see I need you rock
Dont let down
All on that day
I said rock whats a matter with you rock
Dont you see I need you rock
Dont let down
All on that day
I said rock
I said rock
where you run to
where you run to
where you run to
where you run to
where you run to
oh Sinnerman where you run to
oh Sinnerman where you run to
Sinnerman Where you gunna run to
oh Sinnerman where you run to
oh Sinnerman where you run to
Sinnerman Where you gunna run to
mohi jbg ti idi gledaj dokumentarce ako te interesuju stare kulture i narodi
Apokalipto sabija kao film i ne moze da se poredi sa predatorom i tim sranjima sto si naveo. Mel je jednostavno hteo da isprica pricu i postavio je u to vreme i stavio par jakih poruka u filmu.
"Do not be afraid."
strasno koliko film moze biti dobar i pozitivan , film je vrh vrhova.
a Daniel je ,pa ostao sam zapanjen, jednostavno savrshen glumac, ne moze niko biti bolji.