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Everything posted by nikita_

  1. Nisam mogao da cekam jos mesec dana da bih otvorio topik, pa kradem alfine fore http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JwbqHbRq24
  2. Odgledah Another Earth Kul niskobudzetni indie filmic sa dobrom glumom, odlicnim soundtrackom al malo sporijim tempom.
  3. Mene je matori Berserk bacio u ozbiljnu depresiju 3 dana :D. A novi film je kul, 3d nije nista specijalno al 2d animacija je odlicna. Prvih 8 minuta su mi najbolji :) A Evangelion me je istripovao dobro.
  4. Possibly the last royal armor made in Europe, this is believed to have been presented to the five-year-old Infante Luis (1707–1724), prince of Asturias, by his great-grandfather Louis XIV of France (1638–1715, reigned from 1643). Luis was the first Spanish-born Bourbon heir to the throne of Spain and ruled briefly as Luis I in 1724. The armor is signed and dated on the backplate Drouar Ordinaire du Roi aux Heaume à Paris 1712 (Drouar, armorer-in-ordinary to the king, at the sign of the helm in Paris, 1712). The signature may refer to André Drouart, a royal armorer recorded from 1674 to 1688. Drouart must have been one of the last armorers active in France by 1712. Remarkable for its state of preservation, the armor retains its lustrous blue and gold surfaces and nearly all its original red-silk lining. The gilt rivet heads are of heraldic design––the lion of León, the castle of Castile, and the fleur-de-lis of France––representing the dynastic claims to which Luis was heir.
  5. Kako da iskljucim ovaj new tab page u novom firefoxu? edit http://techdows.com/2012/05/disable-firefox-13s-new-tab-page.html
  6. Najbolja dijeta je kad se razvalis od absinta i dobijes upalu sinusa. I kurac ti se smanji od toga!
  7. Danas ljudi ne umeju ni samoubistvo da izvrse.
  8. glup sam skida se :)) odgledao sam brdo filmova u zadnjih 7 dana pokusacu da dam utiske svih za par dana
  9. Bolestan sam vec 2 dana. Jutros sam se probudio sa ubedjenjem da je 2004a.
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