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Everything posted by nikita_

  1. Dobro je da sam se zgrozio na mrsavo dupe na pocetku.
  2. Ja kad sam skinuo evangelion nasao sam torrent sa svim epizodama i ta 2 filma. Nisam siguran mislim da ima oko 8GB
  3. Cpl. Todd Love was left with just one limb after an explosion in Afghanistan in 2010. But the 22-year-old wasn’t about to let a few amputations stop him from competing this past weekend in the Beast, a brutal race that covers 10.5 miles of muddy, rugged terrain. Though Love’s seven teammates helped him a bit along the course, he managed most of the more than 75 obstacles along the way on his own. Love’s goal was “…to push [myself] in all things physical, proving that overcoming obstacles isn’t just something you attempt, it’s something that you embrace.” Wow. Catch his whole story here.
  4. CARINA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iIDTZu6Y_gg&feature=related
  5. http://www.uproxx.com/tv/2012/08/insane-breaking-bad-theory-backed-by-questionable-evidence-so-good-it-might-be-true/
  6. Evo za dulija http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-19349921
  7. Ne znam sta da mislim o ovoj epizodi. A ni o samoj seriji, najvise cu da nastavim da gledam zbog Jessija, jer me iskreno totalno boli uvo sta ce biti sa Walterom (iako je to poenta serije, sve mi je nekako na silu, ni jednu pozitivnu osobinu mu nisu ostavili)
  8. Ne zivis u sadasnjosti Corey!
  9. Jel ovo duletovo The Basics of Non Violent Communications :D?
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPyP_7Xuqr0
  11. nikita_

    Teretana topik!

    Kupi pojas i lanac za kerove :)
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