Zaokruzio sam Kingdom, ne zelim da idem dalje i da zavrsim sa nekim opakim cliffhangerom. Kad se nakupi/zavrsi nastavicu. :)
In other news: Assassination classroom
One day, the moon exploded, leaving it in a perpetual crescent-moon shape. The creature who claims responsibility for the destruction also claims it will destroy the world in March of next year. With powers beyond human comprehension, no military can stand against it. Yet, for some reason, it chooses to take up occupancy as a teacher in the worst class of Kunugigaoka Middle School. The fate of the world rests in the hands of its students, as they have until graduation to figure out how to murder their teacher and collect ten billion yen for saving the world.
standardno nebulozan plot za japance. :)
Ongoing je, ima 137 chaptera za sada. Postoji i anime, trenutno 14/22 epizode su gotove.
Dajte mu sansu barem to prvo poglavlje (50 strana), nista nisam pametno zakljucio, ali vuce me da vidim kako ce se ova budalastina zavrsiti. Deluje interesantno, iako je ocigledno potpuno besmisleno. :)