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War of the Roses

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War of the Roses is a new IP that transports players back in time to the battle-ravaged, dynastic civil war era of 15th century England where ownership of the throne of England was brutally fought over between supporters of two rival branches of the Royal House of Plantagenet - the house of Lancaster (the reds) and the house of York (the whites).

Vrlo zanimljivo izgleda igra, evo i par gameplay videa.

Tournament video noviji i dosta duzi video.

Beta je takodje u toku, mozete da se registrujete

Ako necete preko ref evo ga i obican link za betu

Edited by Grotar2


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Evo, ja sam kliknuo na referal, i ovako sam planirao da igram ovo samo nisam znao da je stiglo do bete, a ako neko hoće preko mog... referala.


Hvala puno za registraciju [:)]

EDIT: Dobio sam mail da se 5 ljudi registrovalo preko mog ref i da ce mi poslati uskoro upustva za betu, hvala svima jos jednom [:D] brisem svoj ref link.

Edited by Grotar2


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  • 10 months later...

Danas pogledao u spam folderu, kad ono mail od paradoxa poslali mi full igru kao steam gift, a igrao sam samo betu [:D] A pre par meseci sam isto dobio Europu Universalis 3 za steam od njih. Ako imate vec igru proverite mozda su vam poslali steam key isto.


BTW subscribe se za paradox newsletter, rekli su da ce deliti jos stvari u buducnosti [:D]


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