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am2 konfa za 95e + intel 3GHz konfa


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dve am2 konfiguracije:

amd 3000+

nForce 405

512mb ddr2 667Mhz

maxtor 80Gb

vga 6100 128mb

belo kuciste

jugodata napajanje



+wd 250Gb +15e

+dvdrw +5e

modem,flopy gratis:)

intel pentium4 3GHz box 1m kesh 478

p4p800-e deluxe

1Gb pc400

maxtor 80Gb

6200 128Mb

odlicno belo kuciste i napajanje



modem,flopy gratis:)

+wd 250Gb +15e

ako nekog zanima moze i chieftec odlicno ocuvano crno kuciste i/ili chiftec napajanje 350w

u konfiguraciji,a moze i odvnojeno prodaja ili neka zamena

+moze i sa 22"TFT l222ws,perfektan bez BS,nov, sa garancijom-moze da se vidi na licu mestu:)

moguce zamena

Edited by qwert00

C programmers never die. They are just cast into void.

C# programmers don't die either. They get garbage collected

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cisto da pitam... za koliko bi dao samo ovaj intelov procesor?

Edited by TorN-d-

She's soft and warm and almost weightless.

Her perfume is a sweet promise that brings tears to my eyes.

I tell her that everything will be all right. That i'll save her from whatever she's scared of and take her far, far away.

I tell her i love her

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cisto da pitam... za koliko bi dao samo ovaj intelov procesor?

poslao poruku.iako bi bolje bilo sve odjednom..steta da se rasparuje najbolji 478 cpu i najbolja 478 ploca (prakticno:) )

ali moze u delovima oba kompa

Edited by qwert00

C programmers never die. They are just cast into void.

C# programmers don't die either. They get garbage collected

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ostala am2 konfiguracija

amd 3000+

nForce 405

512mb ddr2 667Mhz

maxtor 80Gb

vga 6100 128mb

belo kuciste

jugodata napajanje



+wd 250Gb +15e

+dvdrw +5e

modem,flopy gratis:)

od intel konfighuracije ostali samo delovi(da ne kazem dugmici) :)

1.intel pentium4 3GHz box 1m kesh 478

2.maxtor 80Gb


C programmers never die. They are just cast into void.

C# programmers don't die either. They get garbage collected

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