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QuakeCon 2008 i QuakeLive

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QuakeLive 1v1 Turnir

138609-goldcup.gif14.gif cypher

2 38610-silvercup.gif139.gif SK-ZeRo4

3 38608-bronzecup.gif29.gif griffin

4 139.gif Rapha

QuakeLive CTF Turnir

38609-goldcup.gif 1: billymaysdaze (cl0ck, zero4, n1k0n, Viju)

38610-silvercup.gif 2: rage (Whitename, Shizem, Icelore, Kgb)

38608-bronzecup.gif 3: inninitforthe$ (Palarity, Fox, Pyro, bLt)

Ko jos nije video kako QuakeLive izgleda

Evo filmici CTF matcha rage (Whitename, Shizem, Icelore, Kgb) vs inninitforthe$ (Palarity, Fox, Pyro, bLt)




Uputstvo za demoe

Remember you need QuakeLive to replay the demos!

- Download the demos that has the size over 1 MB

- Create a folder called "demos" in baseq3 and put the demos inside. Do a botmach, use console and write /demo demoname to replay. Best is to rename the long demo names as you wish.


C:/Documents and Settings/Aaron/ApplicationData/idSoftware/quakelive/home/baseq3/demos



Don´t forget to mention in our comments which demos are nice to watch :)





Bice jos videa i VOD'ova samo se strpite

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nrmojte da se jebavate sa demoima, snimite vidio klipove, za sad 3, da steknete utisak o QLIVE. imate ih na quakeunity.com. ZERO oko moje ti si pored mene jedini pravi kvejkoliki, jer budno , kao i ja, pratis q3 scenu. CESTITAM ti na osvojenom 3 mestu, pored tako ostre konkurencije, kao sto su jibo, fox, noctis, unity itd.. mislim na QCG i meceve 2x2. dao bog da odes u San Jose ili Hose, dvojica arapa su otkazala...samo cime da te posaljemo?.. raketom ili metlom.

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