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NS'ovo misljenje o MYM adminima itd


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Bio je link na D-A forumima i jako je interesantan i prilicno istinit, gde ocrnjuje mym admine do bola pogotovo s1rra, pa i bivse admine metroa itd. Mislim da je odlicno napisano svaka mu cast, samo sto je obrisan zato sto se neko nasao pametan kome ne odgovara da taj post bude tu...

Pricao je i o tome kako je pride turnir smesan, 1000 dolara nagrada u poredjenju sa npr asus lanom gde je 2500 a za mym potrosis 3 cela dana svog vremena, kako mym admine bole kurac i nadobudni su, tipa kad treba neutral host samo ce da te napuse, kako pola njih ne radi nista sserenity i drugari.

Kako mym pokusava da od pride defending turnira napravi nesto kao wc3l u warcraftu, ali sa samo 1000 dolara nagrada sto je smesno. Kako su produzivali SK-u i MYM-u rokove za odigravanje a lomikiu su dali freewin posle 1 sata iako su likovi imali stvarno izgovor za to (zive fazon na drugom kraju rusije pa im je valjda net riknuo - ovo je samo glasina) kako su rusi protiv izraelaca celih 6 sati cekali dok pronadju hosta i na kraju su mym admini odlucili da odloze mec za sutra dan itd itd

Onda cela ona farsa u finalu kad je s1rro napisao u match commentsima nesto tipa "russians dont want stream" gde objasnjava bolje sta se zapravo desilo. Sad jbg. post je obrisan, a bas sam razmisljao da li da ga c/p na komp za svaki slucaj, jbg zajebao sam se...

[13:00] <GM`JessicaBiel> neko drzi blokce sa pikovima i banovima a neko sa kevama

[23:11] <srs[razer]Baja> ne volim da me neko gleda

[23:11] <srs[razer]Baja> dok jebem

[01:40] <@Xeo|Baja> ko da ti ja kazem pitaj mareta kako mu cale suri odbojku

[01:40] <@Xeo|Baja> i on ti kaze moj cale nema ruke

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Evo ga c/p:

Competitive Dota: Past, present, future by Virtus.NS

This article was originally created and posted at www.ProDota.ru by Virtus.NS, translated by Markiz. I want you to read this and think about whole situation.

Persons represented:

Army, main MyM admin, his duties include control over DotA tourneys

Taz, one of the first to promote dota in the beginning, and the first to succeed. R.I.P.

Metro, one of the biggest fools amongst MyM admins

MilkaCow, Metro's assistant

Sirro, Metro #2

Prologue. The Beginning.

I can't recall how it really started and who pressed the buttons, but something like 1.5 years ago the first MyM pride was held. That tournament was the first one to have such a number of teams (uh, 50?) and had a great success.

It was the first time American and European DotA schools struggled in such a battle. Fortunately for us, Europe won under the flag of Russia; SAY_PLZ woke up famous. Everyone was happy with organization except for the host problem. Tour was carried in the Battle.net and there were several host issues. Those times we had neither observers in dota nor ggc (oh well, actually there was ggc, but it was too buggy) so lags were a problem. However, considering the average dota skill then, they didn't mess the tour.

After first Pride, the PriDe tournaments are reputed as an unofficial world dota cup.

Chapter 1. What happened next?

Those days Pride was run by Army & TaZ, who handled it extremely well. The administration realized that the tournament is gaining popularity, the idea is cool, dota is promising and the MyM organization doesn't mind that discipline at all (that's why they opened up their dota division 2 months later). So the second Pride was announced, and games were going in new and unknown platform - GG Client, instead of laggy Battle.Net.

Second and third Prides are all silk so far, there almost weren't any people dissatisfied. However, I got to notice that all the organization was a sort of amateur one (no news, missing replays, no normal way for most people to know the results). But again, it wasn't of a great trouble anyways at that time, and everybody was happy.

Chapter 2. To be continued…

Pride 4 was a bad omen. That was the first Pride to have such a tremendous amount of scandals, gossips and behind-the-stage talks. That was the first pride, were this ugly trend took place, which is actually the reason for writing this text.

For those who don't remember, SAY_PLZ and maGe, two big contenders for the title, were banned from the tourney. Oh well, that seemed quite just - using non-roosted player Horon. However, admins didn't have a single piece of direct evidence. I have guts to confess - yes, we used fakes. Well, it was actually Horon playing for us after being banned. Again, admins didn't have any circumstancial evidence.

Whatever, maGe and SAY_PLZ were banned.

At the same moment, lots of other teams violate various rules but don't get banned. Instead they get Warns. Interesting fact: by that time, there were no rules telling when warn or ban should be given. All that mess was made up by a single admin who was later removed (guess who? Hint: M _ _ _ o). Another step to turning Pride into Farce was done.

The title was won by the third russian team, DoTa, somehow admins didn't seem to consider them serious enough treat to ban.

Chapter 3. PriDe #5 - #9

MyM.Prides 5 to 9.

Metro is admin no longer (thanks to Army), same for milka cow.

Generally speaking, those Prides were quite quiet, although the tension was increasing and the problems hadn't really disappeared.

What am I talking about?

Once Prides had got worldwide recognition, its administration seems to have decided to make it a full-scale world championship. However, they decided to begin neither with the prizes (oh, 400 bucks prize? Thank you very much!), nor with the organization (oh, neutral host? Have you ever asked MyM admins to search for neutral host? You should try it for some unforgettable experience) but with greater penalties for rules violation (did I mention the rules are dumb? Now I do: the rules are dumb).

Did you know that WG were one step away from disqualification on the very first day just because one of the admins had lost their mail? The admins decided that WG didn't comply the tournament rules - they didn't confirm the result during playday and of course DKPhobos's post in game comments on site wasn't enough.

The only reason why WG weren't disqualified was their recognition among dota teams, they play at IHCS and MyM know them. If they weren't as famous, they wouldn't have a chance to become top-2 of the last Pride.

You know, the most favourite MyM admins' phrase is "rules r rules" (translation: we don't give a fuck).

The story with Lomiki team certainly deserves separate discussion. Lomiki were one hour late for their game with SK.Gaming and received deflose. Formally, it is just, they weren't there on time and there's nothing to discuss.

But...SK were ready to play that match next day and MyM admins not. "Playday is over, you must play games during the playday." Hello, is anybody home?

Team EMG hadn't come for their game, not in an hour, not in 5 but it is okey. Sirro said that there would be an opportunity to get that game played. Later. The fact that Lomiki didn't have any chance to play the game and had all the rights to have their defwin didn't seem to worry Sirro.

Double standart? Oh noes, just someone's dumbness, I suppose.

MyM admins are trying to transform their tour into something official, formal, serious and important...into somewhat like WC3L for DotA. Now compare the quality of organization, coverage and prizes. Am I the only one to smell farce here? Admins are trying to make players take their tour seriously, like a job with (sic!) $1000 (one thousand north american dollars) salary for 3 teams 5+ players each. It must be a joke.

Do you know why VP forfeited to WG during the last Pride?

Just imagine:

We are taking part in ASUS Open right in the weekend when we got to play our game with WG at the same time. LAN Party with $2500 for the first place compared to just another internet battle for $400. I had dozens of talks with Sirro asking him to let us play monday evening or, even better, tuesday. Sirro was ruthless. He told us that we were delaying the tour and was quite determined to give both team a defloss if we hadn't told him results on sunday evening. Oh well, we decided that it was better to let at least WG have some chance and forfeited.

On a side note: do you know for how long Denmark had delayed game with Russia during the MyM Nations Winners Finals?

Two days. Those two days I was begging Sirro for and those two days I couldn't have. Sirro would gladfully give Denmark even more time. Fortunately, Maelk is a man of honour and understands that it looked like mockery.

Chapter 4. More, more, more!

Sirro: "No stream for this game, thx to our russian friends"

I am still eager to know in what way we made streaming impossible and why he is acting like a racist ass with all that "rusians are ugly, they are the reasons you don't have stream" craptalk. I still can't see any connection between his empty head and our nationality.

Thus he said during the Russia-Denmark winner final.

You won't believe me if I describe what Sirro was doing during our Grand Final with Ukraine!

So, we had found the neutral host (I think I have already mentioned what happens if you ask admins to search for host). Sirro came when we were in process of picking heroes. We remember that Sirro is always eating spikes in every game thus ruining the match and sometimes whole GGTV translation. So we asked him: "Sirro could you leave plz? We have another streamer". We wanted to call Maniac who hadn't got a single problem with streaming before.

Sirro refuses because he's the HEAD FUCKiN ADMIN.

Then I asked him a question: "Do you lag in games coz you are streaming or you will lag in any case?" He answered that streaming was the reason. I tried to convince him let us bring the guy who can stream. Sirro said "NO" and again his "RUSSIAN WANTS NO STREAM, KKKKK" thingie. I asked Army to do something and it seems it was Army that made Sirro spam (in the middle of the game!) "GO RE WITH STREAMER NP".


Well, I admit that there actually was a portion of our fault in that Smile's case, I wouldn't say we were absolutely right. However, 4 players from SK team had played in MyM Nations and MyM Pride at the same time. Weird logics of MyM admins sometimes gets beyond my comprehension.

Chapter 5. The problems

Sirro foolishness is not the only problem since Sirro has assistants: m3rcy, dotabunny, rinoa, visarka, ssserenity, snake.

So, all of these are quite useless clots of protoplasm who never do anything.

Well, bunny/visarka/rinoa write various Match Tickers, news and other garbage. No problems with them although they are of no help to players.

I dunno what m3rcy is responsible for but I'm absolutely sure what ssserenity does - Nothing. During the course of tour I asked him about various stuff more than 10 times. Every time he gave me just-another-link-to-the-rule-"you will find it here for sure!" or sent to sirro "sry i am too small to answer such a question".

Snake showed himself in action. Once. He DISPOSED kS. Not to mention how he had to apologize two days later.

Those were our admins. You know, I can even understand Sirro who was the only one doing anything. He's having hard times definitely. But if you are a HEAD FUCKIN ADMIN and you wanna be a leader then find yourself better assistance. If you cannot, resign.

So we got to the point. Problem is discrepancy between the status of the tourney and its organization.

1. Host support. Guys, we've got some problem with hosts here! Why don't admins just create a database which would include all the known good hosts?.. It really becomes a non-sense when we got to search for host for our game vs. Israel for 6 (six) hours. Israel team couldn't play on any host so admin decided to (sic!) reschedule the game for the next day. It must be the sandstorm which would stop messing up Israel internet or something. I don't get it.

2. Money/Time

Tour takes TONS of time, partially because of the host problem, partially because they're going to shoot us all if we don't do everything before the deadline. By my slightest calculations, MyM Pride 9 took 240 hours (10 full days) of real life time from me. I received $150 as a compensation (or I would get the freaking $400 in case we were first). Try to understand, dear sirs, that if you're trying to make Pride a serious tourney, you got to make it serious in everything at once. It's amusing to make people play in the manner you do for such prize money.

3. Double Standart

The last item is the most scandalous one but it is and it's always been there. MyM Admins do anything by their will. Metro, for example, was known to say phrases like "I hate russians". Apparently, 2 strongest russian teams were thrown out of the Pride 4 by (guess who?).

By the way, did you know that MYM/Denmark/Germany can get defloss only if they will agree with it? Otherwise, they get more and more (and a little more!) time until they can gather and play. Other teams (like Lomiki) are given a defloss in an hour.

Trust me, that's not just another whiner's crappy talk. I am quite known person in dota-world, Russian National team captain and I can swear by all my authority that it is all true.

Another curious example. MyM.Nations. Group D. Almost no games played since the group is a funny one: 2 asian teams+Israel. They've got lots of issues with net dunno why. Russia got on the first place, second place was obviously to be taken by Singapore or Malaysia. So imagine what, ssserenity (yeah, that guy who is never doing anything) asked me (no kidding, that was me!) who, in my opinion, should deserve play-off, Singapore or Germany. I was surprised and then questioned him: "how can germany be there when singapore won in the match against em?". The answer was bright and shined with some cool logics: "Singapore played 1 game less"

Oh shit

One could see a possible connection between Germany having two MYM.DOTA team players and the admins willing to let Ger play next stage so much. I am absolutely sure, that it was actually LevenT who refused to play play-offs with that team and that was the only reason why we saw Singapore performance at all.


What is this all about?

It is all about MyM becoming world dota centre (pride, nations, the upcoming league).

Of course, you may say smth like "pff, ESWC is near. everyone's gonna forget mym". Maybe, may be.

But have you ever thought about who will be judges at ESWC? Isn't it easier to take admins from the biggest online tourney series? Huh?

What if MyM will start organizing their tours on LANs? What then? What are we going to get?

We've got to develop and the main role should be given to clear-minded people rather than random fools.

I wrote all this to make society pay attention to the problems of the biggest dota tourney series.

Everyone sees the problems but keeps silent. Help me break this vicious circle.


"Russia Team warned for its behaviour in this edition of MYM Prime Nations. The warnings will be available in this and the next edition of the tournament. If a team is given 2 warnings, it gets auto-disqualified and banned from the next tournament."

Another genious decision from sirro. Imagine what, I do not know when and for what we were given this warning.

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