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Q4 Pomoc

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Poceo sam skoro da pikam q4 pa mi nije jasno kako da bindujem dugme da mi kad pritisnem to dugme prebaci na zeljeno oruzije odredjen fov i sens probao sam ovako[bind mouse3 "_impulse7;g_fov 111;sensitivity 3"] al ne ide.Promeni mi fov i sens al ne prebaci na rail i u konzoli ispishe uknown command impulse7.

Ajd kvejkeri pomagajte:P

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bind "1" "doimpulse _impulse0;m_accel 0.05;g_crosshaircustom 10;g_crosshairsize 60"

bind "2" "doimpulse _impulse1;m_accel 0; g_crosshaircustom 15;g_crosshairsize 45"

bind "4" "doimpulse _impulse4;m_accel 0.05; g_crosshaircustom 10;g_crosshairsize 60"

bind "g" "doimpulse _impulse8;m_accel 0;g_crosshaircustom 15;g_crosshairsize 60"

bind "r" "doimpulse _impulse6;m_accel 0.05;g_crosshaircustom 10;g_crosshairsize 60"

bind "SPACE" "doimpulse _impulse7;m_accel 0.05;g_crosshaircustom 14;g_crosshairsize 70"

bind "z" "doimpulse _impulse2;m_accel 0.05;g_crosshaircustom 17;g_crosshairsize 60"

bind "r" "doimpulse _impulse6;m_accel 0.05;g_crosshaircustom 10;g_crosshairsize 60"

bind "t" "doimpulse _impulse3;m_accel 0.05;g_crosshaircustom 10;g_crosshairsize 60"

bind "a" "doimpulse _impulse5;m_accel 0.05;g_crosshaircustom 10;g_crosshairsize 60"

tako nesto bi trebalo u q4 a u q4max umesto impusle je stavljeno weapon tipa isto kao i q3

bind 1 "weapon 1;g_fov 115;sensitivity 4;g_crosshairsize 24"

bind 2 "weapon 2;g_fov 115;sensitivity 4;g_crosshairsize 24"

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