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Star oko 8 meseci , odlichno ocuvan , nije koriscen poslednjih 3-4 meseca..


Ne znam chemu fotka al kao ajd ;)

cena 2000din

Moze zamena za g3 ili deathadder uz moju doplatu....

Moze post express...

Edited by -juicer-

Gotta learn the rules

so i can break dem properly!

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e juceru imam ja g3 i to dobro ocuvan slabo korishcen ima i garancija josh jedno godinu dve... samo mi reci koliko si voljan da doplatis??? kisss [:D]

(\_/) - This is Bunny.

(O.o) - Copy Bunny into your signature to help him

(> <) - on his quest for world domination.

vF is the best fuck all the rest

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