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steam stolen


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Dakle,sinoc mi je ukraden steam...

na msn-u je dosao je dosao jedan moj ortak,barem sam mislio da mi je ortak,i trazio mi steam da odigra cw...

ja sam dao,i danas ne valja mi sifra...

enivej,stvar je u tome da mu je msn bio hakovan i da je to uradio neki smrdljivi ustasa...

ovde pisem ovo samo da se jos nekom ne bi dogodilo nesto slicno...

eto,heads up ppl !!!


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mozes da vratis steam.

idi na steampowered i prijavi slucaj na hijacked account. bice tamo upustvo.

meni su maznuli steam 3 puta. al sam ga vratio :)

u krajnjem slucaju ako ne mozes da ga vratis i smor ti je da trosis pare, shibni mi pm dacu ti ja jedan. ;)

Does sponsors helping to you and your team or?

-Yes he support us at all but it was really tough to for him and because there is no sponsors.

kole ce prevesti.u redu je...

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to je sigurno onaj HACKER koji je perkanu digo msn :D

Zivot je lep ^^


<@DPS|pecoNi> celo mi se najezilo

<@DPS|pecoNi> kolko mi se kenja

<@DPS|pecoNi> au znas koja je to sad situacija shokice

<@DPS|pecoNi> da ja odem do wc-a

<@DPS|pecoNi> i dignem nogu na kofu jebenu

<@DPS|pecoNi> jebeno :@:@:@


<@DPS|pecoNi> a tek da se obrisem..

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da,da,taj baja sto je Perkanu uzeo...jbg...kako sam mogao da znam :\.

a znam da moze da se povrati,nego imam problem jer sam zaboravio onaj "secret answer" na pitanje...jbg,probao sam sve varijante...

a i to sto ortega kaze,igram taj cs stalno,nece mi biti frka da izdvojim 800dindzi...za cs uvek :)

@formica hvala ti na ponudi,ali neka,kupicu vec...sad sam pozajmio jedan,cisto dok ne uzmem svoj...


edit:ja sam poslao mail steam-u,i oni su mi odgovorili...ali meni nije jasno kakve ovo ima veze sa accountom...evo poruke njihove "Unfortunately, we were unable to review your request for assistance because the e-mail address you are using is not associated with a Steam Support account. Create a new Steam Support account: http://support.steampowered.com/cgi-bin/st...t_new.php".

umem ja da prevedem,ali ne znam za sta to sluzi?!

Edited by LeSiN@r aka LESkO


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secret answer ti ne znachi nista. ako taj decko ima 2g mozga promenice sec. answ.

da li si siguran da si poslao na pravo mesto ticket?


1. What is your Steam account username?

2. What was the last contact e-mail address you used on the account?

3. Verify your proof of purchase for games on the account:

* If you registered software purchased at a retail location, please include a digital photo or scan of the CD Key with your Steam account username written on the quick reference card or CD Key sticker below the code in permanent ink

* If you purchased software through Steam with a credit card, please confirm the card type (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express), full name, expiration date, and last four digits of the card used with the order(s)

* If you purchased software through Steam through PayPal, please provide the PayPal account holder billing information (name and address) and the PayPal PayerID

4. When do you believe your account was hijacked?

5. How do you believe your account was hijacked?

Edited by Formica

Does sponsors helping to you and your team or?

-Yes he support us at all but it was really tough to for him and because there is no sponsors.

kole ce prevesti.u redu je...

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  LeSiN@r aka LESkO said:
da,da,taj baja sto je Perkanu uzeo...jbg...kako sam mogao da znam :\.

a znam da moze da se povrati,nego imam problem jer sam zaboravio onaj "secret answer" na pitanje...jbg,probao sam sve varijante...

a i to sto ortega kaze,igram taj cs stalno,nece mi biti frka da izdvojim 800dindzi...za cs uvek :)

@formica hvala ti na ponudi,ali neka,kupicu vec...sad sam pozajmio jedan,cisto dok ne uzmem svoj...


edit:ja sam poslao mail steam-u,i oni su mi odgovorili...ali meni nije jasno kakve ovo ima veze sa accountom...evo poruke njihove "Unfortunately, we were unable to review your request for assistance because the e-mail address you are using is not associated with a Steam Support account. Create a new Steam Support account: http://support.steampowered.com/cgi-bin/st...t_new.php".

umem ja da prevedem,ali ne znam za sta to sluzi?!

au brate jebiga mi smo krivi sto smo znali a nismo rasirili pricu dalje.....

Нема  будућности без истине.

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  sun- said:
Poshalji im mail sa adrese koju si koristio u Steamu?

Ali ako je lik pametan vec je promenio mail u Steamu na njegov tako da..kita :S

aman choveche ne moze da se promeni mail. opusti se... ;)

case solved

Edited by Formica

Does sponsors helping to you and your team or?

-Yes he support us at all but it was really tough to for him and because there is no sponsors.

kole ce prevesti.u redu je...

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jel ja treba tebi da crtam da bi ti objasnio da su mi vratili tri puta account posto je hijacker promenio mail na dugme koje mi pokazujesh?

Edited by darko
pripazi na recnik

Does sponsors helping to you and your team or?

-Yes he support us at all but it was really tough to for him and because there is no sponsors.

kole ce prevesti.u redu je...

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Ajde ovi kojima je maznut steam neka mi se jave na pm:

Neka mi napisu:

1) steam username

2) stari pass

3) e-mail adresu za koju je vezan taj steam account

4) user i pass od tog mail accounta

5) ako neko ima kutiju ili fizicki cd-key neka fotografise i posalje mi fotku

Eto pa cu probati da povratim, posto mi je to uspevalo u nekoliko navrata, samo moze da se desi da je debil chitovao sa tim accountom pa je sad banovan, al ono, ajmo redom :D

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