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Prodajem zimsku jaknu Denver Broncos

Brkata Nakaza

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Znaci jakna je tek kupljena i zimska je NFL jakna Denver Broncos, velicina je jebana L, gde sam se ja jebeno zajebao,znao sam da treba da uzmem M ali jbg. Ko je zainteresovan nek baci pm cena 200 evra


There's a little boy and on his 14th birthday he gets a horse...and everybody in the village says,"how wonderful" and the Zen master says,"we'll see".Two years later The boy falls off the horse,breaks his leg and everyone in the village says,"how terrible" And the Zen master says,"We'll see".Then,a war breaks out and all the young men have to go off and fight...except the boy can't cause his legs all messed up and everybody in the village says,"How wonderful" and the Zen master says,"We'll see".

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