Mapko(Cp6uja) Posted October 11, 2007 Report Share Posted October 11, 2007 Ljudi zanima me sta mislite o ovom postu? Post je moj samo me mrzelo da ga prevodim na srpski. Napisao sam ga na jer mi je pun qrac likova koji samo kukaju na imbalance i ostalo. Guys, I never post comments on this site. I just download replay and watch. But now I simply must explain something to most of you. First of all, the name of the game we all play and love so much is Warcraft 3 which is consisted of 2 main words and that is War and Craft. You know what WAR is? War is very bad thing where people die and suffer and there is no time to talk about some balances betwen two confronted sides. There is only punisher and sufferer and nothing more. War is very brutal thing and there is nothing fair, balanced or human in it. You think that Hitler negotiated with the rest of the world on the subject "How to balance my tanks to be fair in combat with your tanks?". No he didn't, and all of you know that. The meaning of word CRAFT can be described by many words and some of them are: trickery, cunning, art, knowledge, know-how, expertness, lore, strategy, artfulness, feat .... I can write about word CRAFT many days and still there will be something untold for sure. From this brief explanations of words WAR and CRAFT you can conclude that the name of our game can not be related to any kind of words such as: human, fair, fairplay, balanced, equal, justly, justice, deservedly, rightfully, equitably .... and many others. Word warcraft simply means that if you want to win your war you have to be EVERYTHING EXEPT FAIR AND BALANCED. AMEN FOR ONCE AND FOR ALL. And, finally at the end of my post, I will say something to inteligent players who are visiting this site often and are also bothered with "imbalances" and other fairytales:"Exept my way of thinking and understanding of this game and you will begin to enjoy playing Warcraft 3 more then ever, I promise." E i da. Jos jedna stvar. Znaci ne zanimaju me maloumni komentari u fazonu "ovaj je puko" ili "ovaj je kreten" etc... Ako neko ima nesto konstruktivno da baci neka baci, a oni koji bi da flejmuju neka me zaobidju plz. Siguran sam da ima dosta vas konstruktivnih jer inace nebi postovao ovde. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Highl1 Posted October 11, 2007 Report Share Posted October 11, 2007 ko sto rekoh zilion puta do sad, jebala vas imba, idite na retardirane forume (sk, wcr etc) pa diskutujte tamo sa onim idiotima Ovo je zadnje upozorenje pre nego sto stvarno banujem nekog na duzi vremenski period 03:34 ( MiGsa ) da budem iskren03:35 ( MiGsa ) nagledao sam se ovde vishe kurcheva nego pichki 22:05 (Ivan_tm) Ozbiljno, tvoj i Cokin sam upamtio odmah 13:43 ( darko ) ja sam puco iz njegove vazdushare [16:42:19] Miša says: pojavio mi se patrijarh pavle u ppl u may know [21:00] <vudu> jebacemo svi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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