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Nema vise normalnog sna WoW igracima :)


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Kad me je neko pitao dok sam igrao wow kad ja legnem normalno :) ja kazem u utorak jer tad uvek u sredu ujutru u 3 gase servere. :) E sad je stigo novi plan odrzavanja servera :)

Every Tuesday all realms are brought down for scheduled weekly maintenance. This maintenance window is used to perform tasks on the realm databases and hardware, and to take care of any other tasks that would not normally be possible while the realms are live. In the past few months, however, we have been intermittently testing the ability to perform these maintenance tasks while the realms are still up and available to players.

Based on the positive results of these tests, we

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ne znam za vas ljudi al mene onako polako igra pocinje smarati.. :) a mislim i vreme je vec godinu ipo je igram, dosta je majku mu ! napustio sam guild jer me smorio HC raiding pa sad ono igram pvp i lvl-ujem alta i to je to , dok ne nadjem neku drugu zanimaciju igracu tako pomalo WoW i to je to... IL dok blizz ne izbaci WoW 2 !!oneone

.......O Pepelguzi ovo bila je balada

Ka*ala se dok je bila mlada.

Sad je nesto ostarila, u plucima je gusi

ali svome princu jos presrecna pusi.

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