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nisam znao gde da stavim temu pa ae ovde...

morate za pocetak da se registrujete (ofc) onda imate Challenges i to:

- Basic Web

- Realistic Missions

- Encryption Challenges

- Programming Challenges

- Permanent Programming Challenges

- Application Challenges

naravno prporucio bih da krenete od basic web, i polako...imate njihov forum na raspolaganju i google ofc. Sa tim sto u forumu ima dosta spoilera i ako su vecinu obrisali...

Necete postati MEGA ULTRA SUPER TIER 5 HAKZZOR ali je zanimljivo :)

Sto vishe resite imate veci rank i te gluposti. Pa koga zanimaju ovakve stvari svidece mu se...

I hope when I do die somebody has sense enough to just dump me in the river.Anything except sticking me in a goddam cemetery. People coming and putting a bunch of flowers on your stomach on Sunday.Who wants flowers when you're dead?

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pa ovo je za pocetnike...uz pomoc foruma mozes vecinu da resis...pa i prvi challenge se zove idiot test ili tako nesto :) ajde probaj pa polako dokle stignes ako zaglavish negde javi...nije mnogo teshko samo malo razmisljas taman da ti se aktivira mozak posle WoW-a Sasuke... :P

Edited by Baalzamon

I hope when I do die somebody has sense enough to just dump me in the river.Anything except sticking me in a goddam cemetery. People coming and putting a bunch of flowers on your stomach on Sunday.Who wants flowers when you're dead?

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