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Telrad WoW server !!!!


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Evo ovako podignut je novi WoW server .. server je josh u testnoj fazi(svi instanti i magije rade) ...sad se tek vidi koliko je i kod nas wow poceo da se razvija ... :P

Za igranje na ovom serveru treba vam patch 1.12.1 - 1.12.2 ....

Registracija novog acc na linku http://wow.mkint.net/

potrebno je samo da u wow folderu realmlist.wtf stavite set reamlist wow.mkint.net

Have Fun... !!!!

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Kakva je poenta igranja na piratskom serveru? Zar je mnogo dati 1000 din mesecno za pretplatu, a svoje vreme kvalitetno iskoristiti. Ok kapiram da neko nema pare ali cim ima toliko vremena da moze da leveluje na takvom serveru moze da zaradi :)

But I doubt there's a journey planned for me - As I own every moment of my life

And the blessed they shall call it blasphemy - But I know what I think is right

Still the sun and the stars will shine for me - For the pure I will fight

For no king I will die - For my thoughts I will live

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