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WorldofWar.Net Chat Room BC Beta Key Contest!


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Okej ljudi, evo vam mogutjnost da dobijete WoW TBC Closed Beta key!

Evo shta treba da uradite:

Following the announcement of the mod author BC Beta key compo yesterday, we are ready to get our first public contest underway. Every day for the next week we will be giving a BC Beta key to users in our chat room. We have a nifty script set up that will randomy select a lucky chat room winners each day. The time each day is totaly random so you never know when you'll be picked and there;s 20 keys to give away :) Want in on the action? Here's how

* Join the chat room via our IRC server irc.loadedinc.com and join channel #wow. Or...

* Head to our java IRC chat room and join the fun.

The competition runs from Saturday 28th October until Saturday 4th November midnight.

Ovo nije navlakusha, nije glupost. ovaj "contest" radi jedan od najpopularnijih non-official sajtova za WoW, WorldofWar.net - sigurno ste chuli za njega.


http://forums.worldofwar.net/showthread.php?t=379182 - za vishe info-a!

http://forums.wow-europe.com/thread.html?topicId=77097857 - WoW-Europe official forum topic gde mozete da prochitate post od Aeusa (Blue poster) kako potvrdjuje da je sve _legalno_, a inache trenutno je na kanalu chata. =)

Ostalo josh 18 Closed Beta key-eva, pozurite.

I da, MOZETE DA IDLUJETE.. CD KEY dobijate na private i to je to.

Uzivajte i SRETJNO!

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