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o5 neki patch...


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Lepo mi skine onih 100% ingame,i posle toga mi izbaci : This update does not need to be applied. "It requires version of "WoW.exe", but you already have version"...i lepo opet startujem wow,ali mi opet skida onih 100%! i tako u krug...ne mogu da verujem....O_o

learn to obey before you command

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Lepo mi skine onih 100% ingame,i posle toga mi izbaci : This update does not need to be applied. "It requires version of "WoW.exe", but you already have version"...i lepo opet startujem wow,ali mi opet skida onih 100%! i tako u krug...ne mogu da verujem....O_o

^^ ovo se i meni desava ... [:(!]

Kad Srbin Hrvatu kaze brate, kad Slovenci pice plate, kad se Crnogorci posla hvate, Makedonci dobiju vece plate i sve to Bosanci shvate, bice opet SFRJ brate!

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Right Click the World of Warcraft Shorcut icon

Select Properties

Click the Find Target button on the Shortcut tab

Locate and delete the wow-patch folder and any of the following files in the World of Warcraft folder:






Then relaunch the game to begin patching again.

This video contains content from Jimmy Kimmel Live, who has decided to block it in your country.

[23:47] <manager-> jao dete jao dete :D


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e jbg,ja sam lepo postovao u "sva pitanja..." ali ljudi nisu obracali paznju ,pa sam morao da otvorim novi topic...ali sva sreca,uz immortalisovu pomoc, sada je sve u redu... ; ))

hmm da.. : )

sva pitanja su nepregledna...

doduse na wow sajtu sam dobio pogresno reshenje... kaze obrisi DIREKTORIJUM wow-patch koji ja nemam oO i onda izvalim da imam te fajlove i lepo cut/paste da se ne zajebem i sve je radilo ...

e da li neko zna zasto hordu prevoze mantikore umesto windridera / wyverna

http://img67.imageshack.us/img67/1829/lol4thlk6.jpg kako pricati sa GM-om

Paladins are gay

Blizzard loves paladins

Therefore, Blizzard is gay

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