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Potrebna pomoc oko Guest Pass Key-a


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Imam jedan problem oko pravljenja besplatnog desetodnevnog akaunta!!!Ovako-Drug mi je dao Guest Pass Key da se zezam u igraonici itd. Nemam Master Card,Visa,American Express... [:(] Da li nekako mogu to da zaobidjem???ili cu morati da kupim neku???

Kad Srbin Hrvatu kaze brate, kad Slovenci pice plate, kad se Crnogorci posla hvate, Makedonci dobiju vece plate i sve to Bosanci shvate, bice opet SFRJ brate!

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Jbt prochitao sam FAQ pishe ako nemate kreditnu karticu imacete opciju placanja preko Game Card-a!!!Ja tu opciju nigde nemam!!!!!!

Kad Srbin Hrvatu kaze brate, kad Slovenci pice plate, kad se Crnogorci posla hvate, Makedonci dobiju vece plate i sve to Bosanci shvate, bice opet SFRJ brate!

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Imam jedan problem oko pravljenja besplatnog desetodnevnog akaunta!!!Ovako-Drug mi je dao Guest Pass Key da se zezam u igraonici itd. Nemam Master Card,Visa,American Express... [:(]  Da li nekako mogu to da zaobidjem???ili cu morati da kupim neku???

imas na guglu card generator nadji i samo prekopiras broj tako bar svako radi napocetku


I am the centre of this universe.The wind of time is blowing through me,and it's all moving relative to me, it's all a figment of my mind in a world that I've designed. I'm charged with cosmic energy. Has the world gone mad or is it me? I am the creator of this universe,and all that it was meant to be,so that we might learn to see.This foolishness that lives in us and stupidity that we must suss ! How to banish from our minds,if you call this living I must be blind.Ma ja sam puko!

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Hvala BOGU!!! Zavrshi ja sa ovim sranjem !!! Svima koji imaju slichnih problema preporuchujem www.darkcoding.net !!!! IMA KARTICA KAKVIH OCESH :D Hvala svima na pomoci !!! widimo se uskoro u WOW!!! [;)]

Kad Srbin Hrvatu kaze brate, kad Slovenci pice plate, kad se Crnogorci posla hvate, Makedonci dobiju vece plate i sve to Bosanci shvate, bice opet SFRJ brate!

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