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dota 6.19b


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izasla dota 6.19b




Fixed a bug with Mana Leak that caused it to not work if you move quickly after cast.

Fixed the buggy Penitence damage amplification.

Fixed some minor Omnislash timing issues.

Fixed old 1.18 bugs: Fiend's Grip and Dismember animations.

Fixed some Sprout issues.

Fixed a potential problem with Time Walk.

Added -disablehelp/-enablehelp for use in case Chen abuses Test of Faith.

Fixed an old permanent night exploit.

Fixed some rare bugs with Blackhole and Freezing Field.

Lycan's wolves collision size reduced to fix bugs in certain locations of the map.

Fixed a bug with Lycan's wolves being unable to attack air.

Removed delay on recipe creation.

Added a fix to help reduce the odds of picking and randoming the same hero at once while maintaining the no multiple hero fix.

Removed the damage over time bug that happens with Breath of Fire and Drunken Haze.

Increased the cooldown on the neutral creeps' Warstomp.

Necronomicon recipe price increased by 50.

Made casting range on Nerubian Assassin's Impale similar to that of Lion's Impale

Pugna's Life Drain buffed from 7 to 9 seconds.

Slight mana cost increase to Rearm.

Slightly decreased the price on Heart of Tarrasque recipe.

Reduced charges of Cyclone on Eul's Scepter from 7 to 6 and cooldown to match its duration.

Restored bounce on Maelstrom from 2 back to 3.

Eaglehorn's price reduced by 50.

Sapphire Water and Clarity Potion prices increased by 5 respectively.

Tweaked Sange and Yasha (damage and orb effect stats) and fixed faulty animation.

Various tree location tweaks to make Sentinel and Scourge more even.

Removed corpse creation from Scourge's Graveyard.

Changed hotkey on Satyr's manaburn to R like all the other mana burns.

Fixed Enfeeble's learn hotkey.

Morph tooltip typos.

Fixed Penitence and Persuasion tooltips.

Fixed Death Prophet's Silence tooltip bugs.

Fixed Force of Nature treants' damage.

Increased Bounty Hunter's model slightly.

Clarified various ability tooltips.

Fixed various typos in Adapt.

Fixed typo on Aghanim's Scepter.

TDA Rules updated



This is being released because of two main reasons. To meet some requests by blizzard and to do a final patch before the longer release cycle, 6.20. Along with 6.19b there is an optional 6.19b no audio version, which is required for blizzcon and some other events that i cannot disclose at this time. The optional version will be linked in this section in the near future.

After a week or so of usage on this version, if no major issues come up, this will be the version for use in league and tournament play, as well as some other undisclosed events in the near future.

Thanks to everyone who has helped bring the map to where it is now, but most of all, thanks to the community for their support, we wouldn't be here without you.

Edited by DeuS.Tesla

About WW.

Germans (oh not Germans - Fashishsts(Gitler) hard to translate) kill many (OMG my english) kill many juice(Israel, hope i true translate this nation), but in WW2 dead millions russian. AND say me plz WHY germany and austria send israel money for that and in russia not?

I not racist, i live in peace and i want what european must be more loality to russians. Childerns never not must cry if they paerents wars


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Necronomicon recipe price increased by 50. -> ICEFROG RETARDE...

Removed corpse creation from Scourge's Graveyard. -> znaci nema vishe sa visage-om

Changed hotkey on Satyr's manaburn to R like all the other mana burns. -> aleluja

Slight mana cost increase to Rearm. -> dobro je pa su se setili da nerfaju tinkera repovi iz deusa su 100% stigli do icefroga

Slightly decreased the price on Heart of Tarrasque recipe. -> extra...

Reduced charges of Cyclone on Eul's Scepter from 7 to 6 and cooldown to match its duration. -> :(

Restored bounce on Maelstrom from 2 back to 3. -> odlicno

Eaglehorn's price reduced by 50. -> jos odlicnije [:D]

Sapphire Water and Clarity Potion prices increased by 5 respectively. -> koga boli uvo

DA LI SE SLAZETE SA OVOM IDEJOM ( mislim da je 100% ostvariva )

da SVI shortcutovi kod SVIH heroja budu kao kod invokera

QWE i R ultimate...

jel da da je 1337 i jednostavno

DULCE CUM UTILI - Ugodno s koristnim

http://img67.imageshack.us/img67/1829/lol4thlk6.jpg kako pricati sa GM-om

Paladins are gay

Blizzard loves paladins

Therefore, Blizzard is gay

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hmm.... ne?-_- onda se gubi na toj nekoj razlicitosti. btw. necro je i dalje ista cena... ne znam sto su se utripovali tolko O_o

[13:00] <GM`JessicaBiel> neko drzi blokce sa pikovima i banovima a neko sa kevama

[23:11] <srs[razer]Baja> ne volim da me neko gleda

[23:11] <srs[razer]Baja> dok jebem

[01:40] <@Xeo|Baja> ko da ti ja kazem pitaj mareta kako mu cale suri odbojku

[01:40] <@Xeo|Baja> i on ti kaze moj cale nema ruke

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ja se slazem sa gotenksom oko toga da magije kod svih heroja budu isto rasporedjene po redu 1,2,3 ulti meni to izgleda i vise nego primamnjivo. sto se ostalih stavari tice meni je najzanimljivije ono oko stvari vezanih za ligu i to sto se blizzard ukljucio aktivno oko dota moda.

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pa jbg zbog retarada kao vi nas i pljuju na wc3 forumu -.-

Edited by DeuS.Tesla

About WW.

Germans (oh not Germans - Fashishsts(Gitler) hard to translate) kill many (OMG my english) kill many juice(Israel, hope i true translate this nation), but in WW2 dead millions russian. AND say me plz WHY germany and austria send israel money for that and in russia not?

I not racist, i live in peace and i want what european must be more loality to russians. Childerns never not must cry if they paerents wars


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prvo u opste me neinteresuje dal ce neko da me hajetuje ali meni je to korektno i pojednostavilo bi igru a ne za neke heroje da se lomim da isprtiskam sve sta hocu da uradim a pored ovog qwer bilo bi lepo i da magije vezane za iteme budu vezane za neko slovo a ne za numericki deo tastature ... i kome se svidja i odgovara ovakav raspored nek da neki razlog zasto misli da je ovako bolje? (ja sam rekao zasto mislim da bi bilo bolje da stoje u qwer rasporedu). a ne da baca hejt.

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Ne treba menjati hotkeyeve...ako ti ne mozes da kontrlises jednog heroja i da koristis 3-4 magije,odnosno naucis 3-4 slova onda si debil...

Sad kontam da se necromonicon ni ne isplati praviti..1300 je mnogo,+strenght +6 je 450 + int 10 je + 1000=2750 za lvl 1 necromonicon,a za lvl 3 treba dati jos toliko..tt nije mi jasno sto ga tako non stop skrnave.Ajde sto su sklonili imba rivil ali ovako se ne isplati praviti..

sve ostale promene su OK

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prvo vi ako vam smeta da koristite numericki deo tastature za koriscenje itema a vi bindujte druge key-eve na tastaturi ... sto se tice QWER izuzetno je glupo jer bi konstantno dolazilo do promasivanja key-a pogotovo kod was sto to zelite , da se kladimo da bi u 20-30% slucajeva zavrsili bacajuci pogresnu magiju , trece smatram da ne bi trebalo menjati key-eve jer svaki key ima neku vezu sa samim spelom pa ti je mnogo lakse da povezes sam key sa spellom .... a takodje imas i situacije da imas vise od 4 spella( lone druid, morph) Tako da smatram to izuzetno glupom idejom.Ko ne moze da nauci keyeve za spellove je stvarno debil -.-

About WW.

Germans (oh not Germans - Fashishsts(Gitler) hard to translate) kill many (OMG my english) kill many juice(Israel, hope i true translate this nation), but in WW2 dead millions russian. AND say me plz WHY germany and austria send israel money for that and in russia not?

I not racist, i live in peace and i want what european must be more loality to russians. Childerns never not must cry if they paerents wars


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@deus.tesla & LoSmi

Nije stvar u tome dal moze ili nemoze neko da nauci magije nego jednostavno kod nekih heroja nemozes sve da ih drzis pod rukom (citajte postove pre vas sta je ko rekao).


Kad si vec pomenuo to oko povezivanja magija sa slovom zar ti nije lakse da prvu magiju povezes sa jednim slovom a onda da svaka seldeca bude desno od njega?sto se tice heroja koji imaju vise magija samo da se doda jos neko slovo spec samo za te magije jer takvih nema mnogo mozda 5-6 ako ih i tolko ima...

P.S. Ne bi dalje ulazio u raspravu dal je ovako bolje ili nije nego bi pozvao druge da daju svoje misljenje i onako mi necemo moci to da promenimo :D

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@Tesla ako mashish QWE onda jebiga... npr. igraj malo fps tipa q3...

ako drzis prste NON STOP tu NE MOZES da omasis ,

meni recimo nije svejedno da mi shortcutovi budu neki sjebovi kao kod baneta npr...

edit: za nevermora




za lone druida




daj jebote :)

Edited by Sasuke-kun

http://img67.imageshack.us/img67/1829/lol4thlk6.jpg kako pricati sa GM-om

Paladins are gay

Blizzard loves paladins

Therefore, Blizzard is gay

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Ja vas stvarno ljudi ne razumem... Aj plz reci mi primer heroju na kome "ne mozes da pohvatas sve po tastaturi"?

[13:00] <GM`JessicaBiel> neko drzi blokce sa pikovima i banovima a neko sa kevama

[23:11] <srs[razer]Baja> ne volim da me neko gleda

[23:11] <srs[razer]Baja> dok jebem

[01:40] <@Xeo|Baja> ko da ti ja kazem pitaj mareta kako mu cale suri odbojku

[01:40] <@Xeo|Baja> i on ti kaze moj cale nema ruke

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@Tesla ako mashish QWE onda jebiga... npr. igraj malo fps tipa q3...

ako drzis prste NON STOP tu NE MOZES  da omasis ,

meni recimo nije svejedno da mi shortcutovi budu neki sjebovi kao kod baneta npr...

edit: za nevermora




za lone druida




daj jebote :)

neznam sta je loshe kod banetovih hotkeyova, f , t ,b , e , samo koristish palac za b, kaziprst za t / f / e , ako to nemozesh da dohvatish, onda si stvarno hendikejp za sve pare. [:D]

Nije bitno da je velik, bitno je da je lep...
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za faceless voida Divine + Aegis = gg eventualno blink blade :)

ma bravo care , ti nemas ni 2 grama mozga -.- sto se key-eva tice naravno da bi ih mesali ,jer ti ovo nije q3 i nemozes samo na tim dugmicima da drzis prste a i onda bi pravio greske ....

About WW.

Germans (oh not Germans - Fashishsts(Gitler) hard to translate) kill many (OMG my english) kill many juice(Israel, hope i true translate this nation), but in WW2 dead millions russian. AND say me plz WHY germany and austria send israel money for that and in russia not?

I not racist, i live in peace and i want what european must be more loality to russians. Childerns never not must cry if they paerents wars


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