Sasuke-kun Posted October 9, 2005 Report Share Posted October 9, 2005 sad mi bash pade napamet da ovo postoji... od zemalja koje su blizu nas tu su Hrvatska Bugarska i Grchka... pravila Every match is played Best-of-1 DOTA 5 vs 5 with -ar AllRandom mode enabled. A game may not be started with less players on a team. Alternative triggers may be used if both clans agree on it. The blue player is responsible of setting the right triggers and must use "All say" to activate them. The challenging clan may host the game. The challenged clan may choose Sentinel or Scourge. Every hero and every skill is allowed to be used. The Items Refresher Orb and Mask of Madness are forbidden. If more than 2 players of one clan disconnect the game will be automatically forfeited. In case of a single disconnect the game will only be replayed if both clans agree on it or if less than 5 minutes have passed AND no kill against the disconnecting players team has been made. In case of replay same triggers and heros must be used. -ap overrules -ar in a regame to select same heros; this also counts for -mm games where the disconnecting team has to choose all previously mm'ed heros. Creepskipping is not allowed. This means you may only attack buildings when you are with a wave of your own creeps. (No Enemy Creeps may be behind you! You may be the "lead" of your creepgroup) Destroying a building when skipping creeps can result in punishments up to forfeit depending on the impact on the game. If enemy creeps enter a base all buildings in base are considered vulnerable if the attacking hero entered the base with the creeps. To win a game either destroy the enemy main hall or make more than 2 players of one team leave. kako se prijaviti 8. Clans and Players Any clan registered in ClanBase can participate in any ladder. For information on how to register your clan in ClanBase, read the FAQ. Clans are allowed to make separate clans for their 'squads', have those squads join the same ladders and play against other clans. It is however not allowed to arrange official matches between different squads of the same clan. Such squads must also be clearly different from each other, their matches may not be played with the same players. Clans violating this rule will be removed from the ladder. Only players who are registered in a clan on ClanBase can play in ladder matches, and they can only play with the nick (or very similar) they're registered with in that clan. Only players that have been registered as clan member for 24 hours or more are allowed to play for their new clan. Unregistered players, registered clan members who use a different nick or members that aren't in the clan for more than 24 hours will be considered to be freelancers. When playing in a ladder requires a GUID to be registered, the last change needs to be done 24 hours before a match. Our definition of GUID includes every unique identifier used by games to recognize players (SteamID, PB guid, XBL Gamertag, UT2004 guid, ETpro guid, DWM client nr). Players that use an incorrect GUID or a GUID which is less than 24 hours old during a match will be considered as freelancers. In case a member had no GUID filled in the opponent can only request the match to be cancelled (since the player only forgot a formality). Note that only the last entered GUID (the one you can see in your human info page) in the changelog will be considered as valid to play with. The above 24 hours rules do not apply to clans that have been created less than 24 hours before the official match time. It is not forbidden for a player to be a member of more than 1 clan in the same ladder if he does so openly by linking his personalities. Any player playing in more than 1 clan in the same ladder without linking his personalities will be considered to be a freelancer in all clans but the one he was registered with first. Using a freelancer in a ladder match will result in a forfeit loss. sta mislite? Quote kako pricati sa GM-om Paladins are gay Blizzard loves paladins Therefore, Blizzard is gay Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sasuke-kun Posted October 10, 2005 Author Report Share Posted October 10, 2005 DA SKRATIM PRICHU postoji DotA ladder na ClanBase-u koji drzi laddere za sve igre... Quote kako pricati sa GM-om Paladins are gay Blizzard loves paladins Therefore, Blizzard is gay Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mare Posted October 10, 2005 Report Share Posted October 10, 2005 Naravno da znam sta je klanbejz.... Boze sacuvaj... Ali jednostavno ljude ne privlaci igranje -ar i to single eliminacija... Pogotovo ar... Aj da je tr pa jos i da shvatim.. Ar je Mass stun vs no stun. Pre bi odigrao ap nego to sranje. Quote [13:00] <GM`JessicaBiel> neko drzi blokce sa pikovima i banovima a neko sa kevama [23:11] <srs[razer]Baja> ne volim da me neko gleda [23:11] <srs[razer]Baja> dok jebem [01:40] <@Xeo|Baja> ko da ti ja kazem pitaj mareta kako mu cale suri odbojku [01:40] <@Xeo|Baja> i on ti kaze moj cale nema ruke Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DeuS.Tesla Posted October 10, 2005 Report Share Posted October 10, 2005 Naravno da znam sta je klanbejz.... Boze sacuvaj... Ali jednostavno ljude ne privlaci igranje -ar i to single eliminacija... Pogotovo ar... Aj da je tr pa jos i da shvatim.. Ar je Mass stun vs no stun. Pre bi odigrao ap nego to sranje. ← ali citao sam to je sve po dogovoru a i nikome se bas ne igra ar , mogli bi za to da se prijavimo ako ocete .... Quote About WW. Germans (oh not Germans - Fashishsts(Gitler) hard to translate) kill many (OMG my english) kill many juice(Israel, hope i true translate this nation), but in WW2 dead millions russian. AND say me plz WHY germany and austria send israel money for that and in russia not? I not racist, i live in peace and i want what european must be more loality to russians. Childerns never not must cry if they paerents wars Priceless Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dusan_k Posted October 11, 2005 Report Share Posted October 11, 2005 Da i ja sam to bas razmisljao, ajde prijavite se vi iz deusa, ja cu prijaviti svoju ekipu i probacu da nagovorim jos nekoliko ekipa iz NS-a. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sasuke-kun Posted October 11, 2005 Author Report Share Posted October 11, 2005 ali citao sam to je sve po dogovoru a i nikome se bas ne igra ar , mogli bi za to da se prijavimo ako ocete .... ← da... editovacu gornji post gde bas pishe to... ajde da i nasa zastava bude na vrhu :)) Quote kako pricati sa GM-om Paladins are gay Blizzard loves paladins Therefore, Blizzard is gay Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZeRoX- Posted October 11, 2005 Report Share Posted October 11, 2005 ja sam video ovo ako mislimo na isto sry,samo sam hteo da pomognem :) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sasuke-kun Posted October 12, 2005 Author Report Share Posted October 12, 2005 Tesla/Mare prijavite clan deus ^^ Quote kako pricati sa GM-om Paladins are gay Blizzard loves paladins Therefore, Blizzard is gay Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
28awg Posted October 13, 2005 Report Share Posted October 13, 2005 do jaja ., Quote Avatar Wolf ghost Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jabre Posted October 20, 2005 Report Share Posted October 20, 2005 (edited) da li se neko prijavio za ovaj esl? kod nas krece divizija uskoro,za dan dva mozda ima 1 mesto pa ko hoce nek se prijavi ako nije kasno Edited October 20, 2005 by jabre Quote T_T Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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