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World of Warcraft Easter Eggs


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heheh, strava je ovo. bash volim te e. eggs u igricama mada dosta toga sam ja provalio sam, recimo neshto tipa: Six Demon Bag, onda ono za Fight Club - jebiga kada pogledash film 150 puta a jedna od najcheshtje posetjenih lokacija ti je Undercity ;), Christoph Walkera kada sam video heheh odma sam se nasmejao i tako.. ima lepih stvari. Ono za ghostove u Ruins of Loarderon moram da proverim, ladno toga ima.

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Alchemy item named Philosopher's Stone  - Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (2001)

Ovde bi kao referencu trebalo staviti i album od chuvenog blues/jazz muzichara Van Morissona.

Takodje jos dve stvari koje sam ja provalio a nisam ih video na navedenoj listi:

1) quest sa nazivom "Everything counts in large amounts" iz blasted lands je u stvari pesma od Depeche mode-a.

2) quest iz western plaguelands "All along the watchtowers" je referenca na pesmu Bob Dillana, kojoj je kasnije poseban shmek dao Jimi Hendrix [:)]

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e, a znao sam da oni borijevi na punch karticama u gnomerganu neshto znace.

The 1's and 0's on this card are just 8-bit ASCII code

Gnomeregan Punchcard Binary translations :

The gnome king wears night elf underwear

Do NOT let this information get into enemy hands!



Thrall and Jaina sing in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G

White Punch Card: (I have no idea who these two people are)

"Thrall and Jaina sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G"

Yellow Punch Card:

"If you can read thisu're standing too close"

Blue Punch Card:

"The gnome king wears night elf underwear"

Red Punch Card:

"Help! I'm trapped in a binary punch card factory!"

3005-a (Before activating):

"Tell your friends to play WoW"

3005-a (After activating):

"Play the Warcarft roleplaying game" (And yes they misspelled Warcraft)

3005-b (Before activating):

"Kiss me, I'm gnomish!"

3005-b (After activating):

"The Lich King lives!"

3005-b (When selecting "Use Engineering to access hidden schematics!"): "Go go go!!"

3005-b (When selecting "Access: Minor Recombobulator")

"Natalie Portman Rocks"

3005-c (Before activating):

"Gnomeregan forever!"

3005-c (After activating):

"Play More WoW"

This video contains content from Jimmy Kimmel Live, who has decided to block it in your country.

[23:47] <manager-> jao dete jao dete :D


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Ovde bi kao referencu trebalo staviti i album od chuvenog blues/jazz muzichara Van Morissona.

Takodje jos dve stvari koje sam ja provalio a nisam ih video na navedenoj listi:

1) quest sa nazivom "Everything counts in large amounts" iz blasted lands je u stvari pesma od Depeche mode-a.

2) quest iz western plaguelands "All along the watchtowers" je referenca na pesmu Bob Dillana, kojoj je kasnije poseban shmek dao Jimi Hendrix  [:)]

Philosopher's stone je deo stare legende o alhemicarima. Uz pomoc njega oni mogu da pretvaraju obicne materije u plemenite elemente.

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