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"G3 Proving Grounds vol.3"

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"G3 Proving Grounds vol.3" turnir je nazhalost OTKAZAN.

Predvidjeni sponzori su svoje ucheshce otkazali u chetvrtak, 02.06., dan pred turnir, te G3 organizacija nije u mogucnosti da realizuje dogadjaj.

Svim ekipama/igrachima koji su uplatili svoja ucheshca novac ce biti vracen - MOLIM VAS kontaktirajte Game Mastere kod kojih ste se i prijavili.

Inostrani igrachi, za koje je predvidjeno da stizhu vecheras u Beograd, ce biti obezbedjen i placen smeshtaj.

G3 organizacija se duboko izvinjava zbog svih neprijatnosti koje smo izazvali domacim i stranim timovima/igrachima.

Ukoliko bude dodatnih informacija, postovacemo ih ovde.


"G3 Proving Grounds vol.3" has been, unfortunately, CANCELED.

Announced sponsors declined their participation on Thursday, 02.06., day before the tournament, so G3 organisation is not capable to realise the event.

To all teams/players who payed their entry fees, money will be returned - PLEASE contact Game Masters for money-return.

G3 organisation is deeply sorry for inconvenience that we may have caused to domestic and foreign teams/players.

If we get further informations we will post them here.

Edited by G3org
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