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Final Beta Ends


With the commercial release of World of Warcraft coming on the 11th of February, we will be taking all our servers offline on the evening of Monday, February 7. This event is currently scheduled to take place at 21:00 (GMT+1). The subsequent days will be used to prepare the servers for as smooth a launch as possible. We will be conducting a complete wipe of the forums and erasing all beta accounts and characters to allow all players to start the game on an even footing. All servers and forums will be back online again on the 11th of February.

To je to, sutra u 9 uveche kraj bete :((

Znaci ostaje nam onoliko dana normalnog zivota dok ne dobijemo original wow i onda udri opet ;>

ali sad nesto jos bolje za kraj:

End of Beta Event

GM Team, 06/02/2005

To celebrate the end of the beta test, we will arrange a gigantic Day of Judgement event on all realms a few hours before they are all taken down. You definitely won't want to miss this! While this will mark the end of the European Beta Test, it will also usher in a new dawn for World of Warcraft in Europe. We would like to thank all you testers for your support and look forward to welcoming you back on the 11th of February.

Sto znaci da ce sutra uvece infernali i ostala bagra da napada glavne gradove, hohoh, bice sexa :}

A must see!

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Ahhhhh bedak, kraj bete! :( Sada moram da cekam striku a do tada da igram BW/DoW - damn it!

Baj d vej...

"To celebrate the end of the beta test, we will arrange a gigantic Day of Judgement event on all realms a few hours before they are all taken down." - shta im ovo znachi koj penis!?! :( Mislim, netju valjda da drzhim ceo dan WoW uplajen i mog lika u nekom od gradova da bih video to! :(

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Teach, ti i ja smo umrli zajedno ispred infernala, iako me mozda nisi skontao od silnog laga pred kraj, ali bio si tu vidO sam te :)

Heh, skontao sam ono kada si se razdrao ma duvajte mi ga svi ili shta vec [:D]

Nego, kad se nadju vishe likova meni ne skache ping... samo mi se frejmovi stucaju na jednocifren broj. Tako da nije u pitanju lag.. :-)

Craziness is directly related to having a vagina.


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