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F2P MMOFPS survival,sve imaš ovde http://survarium.com/en/page/game-modes. Dakle 3 moda,PVP(borba izmedju frakcija na manjoj mapi,tipa CS,COD),PVE(Stalker mod gdje je mapa otvorena,susreceš AI i ostale igrače) i Co-op(odredjene misije koje su predvidjene za prelazak sa više igrača ).

Registrovan sam za betu evo ima više od pola godine,trebalo bi uskoro da bude beta ali nazalost samo PVP će biti dostupan. Masu ljudi se prijavilo,male su šanse za ulazak u close betu ali mislim,pošto su čekali ovoliko da će odmah uslediti i open beta.

Eo preview Survarium hands-on: the free-to-play shooter with a survivalist streak


I trailerčić



edit:tj. alfa,tako ne sudite igru odmah po animcijama koje seckaju,jer vidi se da nije zavrsena.Obećali su da nikako neće biti pay2win i nadam se da će uspeti da odrade ono što su zamsili,

Sav novac koji zarade od ovoga ići će na njihov sledeći projekat a to je najverovatnije Stalker 2 :)

Edited by SteXmaN
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Upao sam u proslu Betu al nisam moga da upalim igru jer sam imao problema sa nekim .dll fajlovima tako da ne znam tacno kolika je zahtevnost igre.


Ovo je sa njihovog sajta 


Q: What are the system requirements for Survarium?
A: ATTENTION: the game does not support Windows XP!
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E4400 2.0 Ghz or Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 4200+
Video card: 512 Mb nVidia GeForce 8800 GT or Radeon HD 3870
RAM: 2 Gb
Operating System: Windows Vista (Service Pack 2 + Platform update), Windows 7, Windows 8. Currently problems may arise when using the 32-bit OS and cards with video memory over 512 Mb.
Internet connection: download - from 128 kbit/s (up to 512 kbit/s in case of high ping and/or poor connection), upload - from 32 kbit/s. We support pings up to 400ms (check your ping rate to survarium.com; our game servers are currently based in Russia, so ping rates may be high depending on your location). At the moment there may be problems with 3G-connections at the time of peak server loads.
As we will progress with improvements and game optimization, the system requirements will be modified accordingly.

"Im the great Cornholio, I need TP for my bunghole!"

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