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WTS Steam Acc

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ACC br 1:

Uz acc dobijate sav info i keyeve igrica a ovo su igrice koje se nalaze na steamu:

1-Counter-Strike: Global Offencive sa 53/167 achivementa
2-Dota 2 sa 355 sati played time i lvl 18
3-The Binding of Isaac
4-Call of Dury: Modern Warfare 2
5-Call of Durz: Modern Warfare 3 sa 260 hours played time
6-Metro 2033
7-PAYDAY: The Heist
8-Saints Row 2
9-Shoot Many Robots: Arena Kings
10- Worms Reloaded


Acc br 2: http://steamdb.info/calculator/?play...75&currency=no

lake je ovako da vam prestavim sta imam nego da smaram slikama a naravno ako treba mogu da potvrdim svo postojanje igrica na acc i uz svaki steam acc idu i neke kutije za igrice i keyevi igrica i full info.


Acc br 3: 

http://steamdb.info/calculator/?play...04&currency=de evo jos jednog linka.

Ako ima nesto sto sam zaboravio slobodno pitajte

Kontakt: PM ili skype: Ivan.karabasevic ili mob: 063 7 454 381

Edited by Burndown
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