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prodajem LoL account na westu


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heroji: lolacc.jpg - dole je zilean posto se ne vidi ^_^

EDIT: kupio sam jos heroja i sad ih imam 69


crvene : attack speed, magic pen , armor pen, attack dmg, armor

zute: mana regen per lvl, armor, health per lvl, dodge

plave: ability power, cooldown per lvl, ability power per lvl, magic resist, mana regen per level

quintovi: attack dmg, gold per 10, armor pen, crit dmg, magic pen(samo jedna), ability power, move speed, health regen per lvl, health, health per lvl, flat MR,attack speed

Svih runa ima 9 ili 3 ako su quintovi

-7 rune pageva!!!

11 skinova!!!

- unchained alistar, goth annie, nightmare chogath, frosted ezreal, dreadknight garen, tempest janna, victorious jarvan IV(limited edition skin), judgement kayle, perseus pantheon, riot girl tristana, urf the manatee warwick

Account je prebacen na west i ima zlatnu medalju iz prve sezone

Samo 40 evra

Edited by Stevan021
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