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  On 1/25/2012 at 6:25 PM, ELkig said:

Ne znam sto je pak u top 8 ne hejtujem ali slozice se nekolicina da ju i kbp i dps jaca ekipa od njih.

koji si ti tetris igrao kad smo mi igrali kanter , crni ili beli

  On 1/23/2012 at 9:17 PM, kassado said:

Ako bude bilo interesovanja i sve bude proslo kako treba na prvom prosirice se sledeci kup na 16 ekipa.

Bice verovatno u istom formatu , niko nece ispadati iz grupa i sve eliminacije ce biti bo3.

Trajace par sati duze ali ranije ce da se krene.Sve je u cilju da se igra sto bolji kanter sada kad je manjak LAN turnira.

a je l' si ti igrao ovaj poslednji mec mapu tuscan protiv PP-a ?


ovaj deo uvek zabada.

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Grupa A

16:00 PP vs AERO de_nuke efrag2 by gamer.beograd

16:00 iNation vs pak De_nuke efrag1 by gamer.beograd

17:00 PP vs pak de_inferno efrag2 by gamer.beograd

17:00 iNation vs AERO de_inferno efrag1 by gamer.beograd

18:00 PP vs iNation de_dust2 efrag1 by gamer.beograd

18:00 AERO vs pak de_dust2 efrag2 by gamer.beograd

Grupa B

16:00 eFrag vs LWC de_nuke sum by gamer.beograd

16:00 Maksnet vs Kgb de_nuke maksnet by gamer.beograd

17:00 eFrag vs kgb de_inferno sum by gamer.beograd

17:00 Maksnet vs LWC de_inferno maksnet by gamer.beograd

18:00 eFrag vs maksnet de_dust2 maksnet by gamer.beograd

18:00 KGB vs LWC de_dust2 sum by gamer.beograd

Sve ovo mozete pratiti i preko www.e-frag.net

Edited by maksnet juricM
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Grupa A

PussyPatrol vs. Aero - hltv5.verygames.net:27092 [16:00h]

iNation vs. pak - hltv5.verygames.net:27089 [16:00h]

PussyPatrol vs pak - hltv5.verygames.net:27092 [17:00h]

iNation vs AERO - hltv5.verygames.net:27089 [17:00h]

AERO vs. pak - hltv5.verygames.net:27094 [18:00h]

PussyPatrol vs. iNation - hltv5.verygames.net:27096 [18:00h]

Grupa B

E-Frag vs. LikeWeCare - hltv5.verygames.net:27074

Maksnet vs. KGB.CM Storm - hltv2.verygames.net:27076

Maksnet vs. LikeWeCare - hltv5.verygames.net:27093

E-Frag vs. KGB.CM Storm - hltv5.verygames.net:27094

E-Frag vs. Maksnet - hltv5.verygames.net:27092

KGB.CM Storm vs. LikeWeCare - hltv5.verygames.net:27093

Edited by mak1.


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  On 2/12/2012 at 12:42 PM, pak.phanat1c said:

upravo pratim Day and night @ HBO cekajuci ovaj turnir, ne znam ko je ReakwoN reg.2004.godine sa 15 posta faco hvala ;)

A sta mislis kgl team:D pa loco je

3epokc, on 15 March 2012 - 15:17, said:

jesi naucio da branis wispove od gargoyla :) ? :)

Hdx.Maky:jhahahahahaha pa jedan mi ne bih ubio! :D

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iNation kGR killed pak.Mad MaN 4 RALEBOG with grenade

iNation kGR killed pak.eeVaN 4 pupika with grenade

iNation kGR killed pak.phanat1c for WH with grenade

*** iNation kGR killed pak.kecman with a headshot from ak47 *** xD

edit: bravo aero

Edited by METHOD =DD!
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Grupa A:

1. kolo (16:00h) de_nuke

iNation - Pak 16:1 (14:1)

PP - AERO 4:16 (4:11)

2. kolo (17:00h) de_inferno

iNation - AERO 16:5 (10:5)

PP - Pak 16:4 (13:2)

3. kolo (18:00h) de_dust2

PP - iNation 16:11 (11:4)

AERO - Pak 14:16 (6:9)

Grupa B:

1. kolo (16:00h) de_nuke

Maksnet - KGB.CM 13:16 (10:5)

E-Frag - LikeWeCare 16:10 (7:8)

2. kolo (17:00h) de_inferno

E-Frag - KGB.CM 12:16 (8:7)

Maksnet - LikeWeCare 16:6 (10:5)

3. kolo (18:00h) de_dust2

E-Frag - Maksnet 4:16 (3:12)

LikeWeCare - KGB.CM 1:16 (1:14)


1. iNation 2-1 [+21] 6pts

2. PP 2-1 [+5] 6pts

3. AERO 1-2 [-1] 3pts

4. Pak 1-2 [-25] 3pts


1. KGB.CM Storm 3-0 [+22] 9pts

2. Maksnet 2-1 [+19] 6pts

3. E-Frag 1-2 [-10] 3pts

4. LikeWeCare 0-3 [-31] 0pts

1/4 FINALE (bo3)

(F1) iNation - LikeWeCare (de_nuke, de_train, de_inferno) 2:0 - 16:10 (8:7), 16:4 (11:4)

(F2) PP - E-Frag (de_dust2, de_train, de_tuscan) 1:2 - 16:9 (8:7), 4:16 (1:14), 2:16 (2:13)

(F3) Maksnet - AERO (de_inferno, de_dust2, de_train) 2:1 - 5:16 (3:12), 16:14 (6:9), 16:2 (13:2)

(F4) KGB.CM Storm - Pak (de_inferno, de_mirage, de_train) 2:0 - 16:3 (12:3), 16:5 (11:4)

Bolje plasirana ekipa moze da bira dal hoce prva da banuje ili prepusta protivniku tu privilegiju (banuje se 7 mapa ban/ban/pick/pick/ban/ban/pick)


iNation - LikeWeCare vip.hltv.org:27096

PP - E-Frag vip.hltv.org:27097

Maksnet - AERO vip.hltv.org:27095

KGB.CM Storm - Pak vip.hltv.org:27093

1/2 FINALE (bo3)

(F1) iNation - (F3) Maksnet (de_train, de_inferno, de_tuscan) 2:0 - 16:9 (7:8), 16:8 (11:4)

(F2) E-Frag - (F4) KGB.CM Storm (de_train, de_mirage, de_inferno) 0:2 - 12:16 (4:11), 12:16 (4:11)


iNation - Maksnet hltv5.verygames.net:27090

E-Frag - KGB.CM Storm hltv2.verygames.net:27052


E-Frag - Maksnet (mec ce biti odigran naknadno)


KGB.CM Storm - iNation (de_inferno, de_nuke, de_train) 0:2 - 7:16 (3:12), 14:16 (8:7)

HLTV FINALE: hltv2.verygames.net:27081

Edited by iAN
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