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IEM Qualy


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Srbija ima 1 slot za EU kvali gde top5 ekipa dobija mesto za GC KIEV.

Koliko sam razumeo obavestenje ESL-a treba da bude odrzan nacionalni kvali i da pobednik toga dobije ovaj 1 slot za prvu rundu EU kvalija(gde ce se sastati sa nekom top ekipom i to ce biti to :D)

Naravno sve je online i mora da se odrzi do 6og novembra.

Ko je zaduzen da ovo organizuje to ne zna niko ja mislim :)

Recimo Beloruski kvali je odrzan od strane ESL-a sa 8 ekipe u winner/loser sistemu i mislim da je sve odradjeno za 1 dan , ali nisam siguran.

Edited by kassado
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Bilo bi lepo da imamo jednog predstavnika i tamo, ali kapiram da ce biti ogroman posao opet organizovati tako "veliko" takmicenje u ovako kratkom roku..

Ћирилизација интернета!

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National Qualifiers

Between now and November 6th, all European sections will run national qualifiers. Exception are countries that had an ESL Pro Series ending in the last six months since today, those will use the EPS results instead.

Sta i kako oko ovoga? Bilo bi super da bude taj kvali dok smo mi i RB u Rumuniji :D

Edited by BGDoNLINE dr shok1ca

Some of us see only Black and Blue! Pazza inter

[00:54] <@BGDo|MASINA> 1on1 aim_map server on msg me

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Tomi "lurppis" Kovanen

Apparently there's a high chance you won't see WinFakt at IEM GC Kiev as ESL decided to hold the Finnish qualifier without the top three Finnish teams (who were all at Digifest) being informed about it... For the people who are going to blame us, we checked the ESL site on Saturday afternoon and they normally send out emails, I guess not this time :)

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