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DotA by Valve


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Evo još malo rumora o priči da Valve pravi nastavak Dote, što potvrđeno što naslućivanje:

Valve Software has filed a trademark claim for the term "DOTA"



Voice actor John St. John (Duke Nukem) recently tweeted (now deleted) that he had just wrapped a session at Valve recording for an interesting project, MTV reports. Duke said:

"Had a great time in Seattle last week recording for DotA. The guys at ValveSoftware are awesome!"


Edited by trooper
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aj da vidimo kako ce to da izgleda

curious Kaurin is curious

Obvious trololololo is obvious..

Nego,evo mog izvora --> http://www.gosugamers.net/dota/thread/590480-valve-dota-2-news-updated

Da li biste ikad verovali u reci i pesme moje, da vam u intervjuima zvucim poput Viki, Miki, Stoje, da sam nepismen k'o majmun, besprizoran poput proliva, da sam isti kao oni, zar bih bio POBUNA ?

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