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Clanbase QL CTF NationsCup XIII

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rs.gif SER vs gr.gif GRE on NC qualifiers

by: Astral

SER won vs GRE.

First level: qzctf8 (Germany)

CB NationsCup 2010 first official qualifier game took place tonight where Team Serbia and Team Greece fought for a place in the cup. First map was chosen by team SER on qzctf8. The game started off easy, both teams tryed each other on different locations across the map untill team SER managed to take a good grip of powerups and denying all upcoming ones too. With the powerup, the caps came easy, with good teamplay and good support from all SER players. Greece tryed hard but looked like they were struggling in their teamplay. Nevertheless the score ended in favour to SER by 6-3.



Second level: qzctf10 (Germany)

Second map was ctf10, chosen by team Greece. This map is known to be hard and tight and a lot of patiance is needed if wanting to win it. The game was capless first 12 minutes untill a nice cap was made by team SER, the flagrunner having all the support from his teammates all the way to homebase. This cap opened up the game pritty much and shortly after, more successfull flagruns were made by team SER, leaving team GRE on zero score and thereby making their chances small to win this map, just to end up in a capfest to team SER last minutes. Good game and good luck to team SER in the upcoming games. Thanks also to b5k and for3c4st for streaming this game!




CTF8 (pov zeroql)

CTF10 (pov zeroql)



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Group B - Team HUN vs Team SER

First game of this season CB NC was between Team HUN and Team SER. More info inside!

Lineup HUN





Lineup SER





First level: ctf8 (Germany)

Tonights maps were agreed by Team HUN on qzctf8 and Team SER on qzctf10. So first map, ctf8, began and right from the start you could see Team HUN go hard on Team SER. First capture was made even under the first minute of the gameplay by HUN followed up by another fine capture made by Hungarian flagdef Kazan, fully stacked and a quad in his possession, killing his way into enemy base with support from all his teammates and making a easy capture leading to 2-0. Serbian players fought bravely and had a few good moments like where they recovered the flag in enemy base, nearly making a holyshit when the flagcarrier even had quad. Despite the effort, Team HUN had made 5 caps already before passing 10 minute play of map and controlling every Powerup, just to hit the capture limite in the 15th minute. This was truly favorite map for emdeenfeeder making a total of 6 captures.


Second level: ctf10 (Germany)

This map was chosen by Team SER and you could see that they felt more comfortable here then on qzctf8. Both teams attacked pritty evenly untill the first capture from Hungarian attacker feeder was made after 3 minutes of gameplay. Right after that cap, Serbian player vuduu had the chance to equalize it by escaping enemybase with the flag, almost capturing it, just to get killed in high passage on the homeside. Both teams shared amount of powerups first 8 minutes untill Team HUN took over completely both Powerups and started to do some serious damage to Serbian players. Hungarian player feeder kept attacking and making successful capture one after another, but Team SER gave more resistance this time. They managed to capture 2 nice scores, one where the flagrunner outplayed Hungarian players in the middle of the map even though Hungarians had both powerups in their hands in this situation. They also made some incredible returns. But despide the effort, Team HUN overrun Team SER ending the map in 6-2 in favour to Hungary. emdeenfeeder again strong attacker, making all captures himself.


HUN win by 6 to 2


Team HUN overpowered Team SER clearly, both in damage and accuracy and they are a strong candidate to win Group B. Best players of this war were emdeenfeeder and vuduu



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