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Staro dve godine, u besprekornom je stanju BEZ OGREBOTINE. Prodajem ga jer mi treba neko manje pojačalo praktičnije za transport.


Here you have Behringer' s true analog guitar modeling amp head hand-in-hand with Behringer' s 200-Watt BG412V cabinet featuring BUGERA™ speakers! Arm yourself with an arsenal of authentic analog amp models and experience the whopping sound of the punchy 12" speakers. The GMX1200H head has two independent channels, each featuring analog modeling for 3 classic guitar amps, 3 speaker simulation models plus 3 gain modes, for a total of 27 modeled sounds. The 24-bit stereo multi-effects processor with world-class effects such as chorus, flanging, phasing, rotary, auto-wah, echo, delay, compressor and various effects combinations offers 99 user presets and MIDI control.

Thanks to its 12" BUGERA™ speakers, the BG412V guitar speaker cabinet delivers 200 Watts of excellent classic guitar sound with mids that are full of character, clearly defined bass and loads of headroom. Receded carrying handles and rollers as well as a casing featuring extremely low resonance and vibrations, steel corners and a robust vinyl covering make this cabinet easy to transport and absolutely ready for hitting the road.

Look no further! Pump 200 Watts through a killer 4 x 12" cab for that mean guitar sound!


Cena: 450 EUR

Telefon: 064/129-4481

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