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Study: Playing in a guild actually lowers stress


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A new study done by researchers at Australia's Queensland University of Technology says that spending time online playing World of Warcraft with others can actually be good for your mental wellbeing -- within moderation of course. Researcher Huon Longman studied WoW players who played alongside guildies in game, and found that players often shared their real-life concerns with their virtual associates, which resulted in lowered levels of "anxiety, depression, and stress." In short, it seems that when you build relationships and share emotions even with people online, it can help you deal with problems in real life as well. That follows what we talked about earlier this week with Dr. Hilarie Cash -- games like WoW can definitely complement real-life relationships and actually help you relax.

But only when used in moderation -- Longman also found that 10% of the sample he studied played considerably more World of Warcraft than normal, and that those players not only didn't experience a bigger benefit to their wellbeing, but actually experienced more "negative psychological symptoms." A good balance of virtual and real life can have a lot of benefits, but falling too much into virtual life can actually cause more problems psychologically, according to this researcher's work. Obviously, this is one study of many about how playing these games can affect how we think, but the results are definitely reflected in experience: in-game relationships, used in moderation, can definitely help you deal with the real world in a healthier way.

Thanks to everyone who sent this in!


Source: http://www.wow.com/2009/09/14/study-playin...-lowers-stress/

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i oni to zovu naukom...

jedini scenario koji mogu da smislim i da on zapravo lowers stress je da igras sa par RL drugova i da na max levelu skontas da ti je ostalo samo grindanje i da batalis igru.

Dakle, "leveling with RL friends lowers stress, but this includes quitting when you reach endgame", a ne ovaj bullcrap...

otišao tetki da odnese lek...

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Tbh ja se slazem sa tim researchom. Meni je kul da mogu da se ispricham i odigram malo sa ljudima koje mahom znam irl, ali zbog distance ne mozemo da posedimo i cugamo vishe od 2-3 puta godishnje.

WoW sam ja generalno uvek smatrao za veliki shareni chat program sa built-in igrom. Sad je samo tvikovan za casualce.

... ukusi su razlichiti... reche djavo i sede u trnje...

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jedini scenario koji mogu da smislim i da on zapravo lowers stress je da igras sa par RL drugova i da na max levelu skontas da ti je ostalo samo grindanje i da batalis igru.

Dakle, "leveling with RL friends lowers stress, but this includes quitting when you reach endgame", a ne ovaj bullcrap...

Zasto ne bi mogao da imam max lvl chara, i da opet imam taj 'lowering stress'?

Ides u raid, zajebancija preko venta/ts, zajebancija u raid chatu, zar to nije isto lowering stress, zar to treba da bude frustracija?

WoW sam ja generalno uvek smatrao za veliki shareni chat program sa built-in igrom.

Upravo ovo, /agree.

Da sam pameta sigurno bi bio neki dr mr pr i bio PISMEN a nebi zavrsio za mesara i klao svaki dan 2000svinja.
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