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Space Marines (Dark Angels) wh40k army


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Dark Angel armija WH40k koja se sastoji od sledeceg :

Squad scouta

2 squada marinaca (po 10 su u squadu)

2 squada terminatora ( po 5 u squadu) + Terminator Chapelan

Land raider crusader

1 Venerable Dreadnaught

1 Dreadnaught

1 Devastator Squad

1 HQ Squad

Ezekiel + Chapter Master + Azrael

Sve figure su nefarbane , undercoat je na Land Raideru , Dreadnaughtima I Terminatorima

Cena je 250 evra (mogucnost dogovora)

Kontakt na PM

Have you ever noticed that it's only 'perfect' people who are murdered or killed in horrific accidents?

"He was the perfect son" or "She was the perfect daughter."

"Such a tragic accident they were the perfect family."

"They died together, the perfect couple till the end."

Makes me glad I abuse my kids and beat up my wife.

Kind of makes me immortal.

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