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banke + kartice + paypal

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istekla mi raiffaisenova viza virtuon i trebao bih nabaviti novu. e sad, chuo sam za neke priche o amex-u i nekoj vizi koju daje banka inteza, koje se mogu koristiti na paypalu a za koje nije potrebno imati stalni priliv sredstava. jel ima neko neku pouzdanu informaciju shta/gde/kako ? guglao sam i na vishe mesta nailazio uglavnom na zastarele informacije, a kontam da ima dosta ljudi koje to zanima :) hvala

e da, i zna li neko mozhda neki pouzdani servis koji vrshi transfer sa moneybookersa na paypal a da pritom ne uzima neki besni procenat ?

Edited by darko
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Inteza Kartice za internet placanje, mislim da se uzimaju za dzabe, bar ja ni dinar nisam platio, niti placam odrzavanje istog. Odi do bilo koje filijale i uzmi, kartica radi na svim mogucim e-mestima za placanje. Ostavicu ti i jos neke dole informacije vezane za paypal + banca inteza cc. Servis za moneybookers -> Paypal tesko da ces da nadjes, ali ako budes nasao javi mi gde i kako.

Kopiracu svoj post sa Elitesecurity:

Za sve nevernike :) Kao i one sto se buni, Intesa Visa Kreditna Kartica Prolazi na Paypal....

Iskostvo moje: U istom danu 3 puta brisao account i pravio novi, da isprobam i da se uverim...

Croatia kao zemlja:

Registrovo, sve moja ulica, broj telefona. zemlja cak sam u state stavio Serbia, nisam popio ban sve je ok bilo.

Ubacim kreditnu karticu, prodje dobijem odmah na online proveri banca intesa 4 broja i ubacim i verifikujem account.

Status = Verified


Italija kao zemlja:

Registrovo, sve moja ulica, broj telefona. zemlja cak sam u state stavio Serbia, nisam popio ban sve je ok bilo.

Ubacim kreditnu karticu, prodje dobijem odmah na online proveri banca intesa 4 broja i ubacim i verifikujem account.

Status = Verified



Registrovo, sve moja ulica, broj telefona. zemlja cak sam u state stavio Serbia, nisam popio ban sve je ok bilo.

Ubacim kreditnu karticu, prodje dobijem odmah na online proveri banca intesa 4 broja i ubacim i verifikujem account.

Status = Verified


Preko sve 3 opcije navedene gore mozete da placate i da vam se novac skida sa kartice.


Zasto ne mogu ? Zato sto ne mozes da registrujes svoj bank account jer ti po defaultu izbacuje zemlju skojom si reg paypal account.

Korisim mesec dana account nisam banovan.


Bilo je da posle kad sam obrisao italijanski account, nije hteo da mi primi karticu na madjarski account jer navodno kartica mi je u upotrebi, nasta sam kontaktirao paypal da kazem da vide koji je problem, sto je u upotrebi i na kom accountu kad sam obrisao italijanski i na isti e-mail napravio novi.

Dobio sam e-mail od paypal-a gde su mi se ljudi izvinuli i rekli da mogu sad da verifikujem account sa tom karticom.

U accountu stoji STATE: Serbia tako da je mogao da vidi ali me nisu banovali:

Evo i mail:

Dear Stevan Mitrovic,

Hello my name is , I am sorry to hear about the situation regarding

(Briefly repeat the members situation), and understand your frustration

and concern over this issue. I am happy to assist you with your


You have received this message as a security precaution because this

credit/debit card was previously registered on other PayPal accounts.

Please log into your PayPal account and attempt to register your credit

card information again.

Since your card was previously registered on another account, you may

need to complete the Expanded Use Process before using your credit card

in the PayPal system.

Once you have added a credit card to your PayPal account, view the

"Credit Card" page in the "Profile" of your PayPal Account. If the

status of the card is "Expanded Use Number Pending," you will need to

start the Expanded Use Process.

1. Select the credit card you wish to activate.

2. Click "Get Expanded User Number."

3. Read the "Get Your Expanded Use Number" page and click "Get

Expanded User Number."

4. Click "Continue."

PayPal will charge your credit card an Expanded Use Fee. The charge will

accompany a unique, randomly generated 4-digit Expanded Use Number,

which will appear on your next monthly credit card statement.

· If you have online access to your credit card activity, it takes

up to 4 business days for the Expanded Use Number to appear, depending

on the credit card's issuing bank

· If you do not have online access, you must wait until you receive

your statement in the mail to check your 4-digit Expanded Use Number

· If you have added a debit card, your 4-digit Expanded Use Number

will be printed on your bank statement next to the charge

Once you have received your 4-digit Expanded Use Number, log in to your

account and click the "Complete Expanded Use Enrollment" link in the

Activate Account box on the Account Overview page to complete the

Expanded Use Process.

Please note: This is the last time this credit card may be added to a

PayPal account. If this card is removed or the account is closed, you

will not be able to add this card to another PayPal account.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us again.


PayPal Customer Service

PayPal, an eBay Company

Original Message Follows:


Before you can add this credit card to another account, you must contact


PayPal Credit Card Team at cardproblems@paypal.com. A customer service

representative will respond to your request shortly. If you would rather


a different credit card to your PayPal account, you may do so at any


Thank you for your cooperation.

I got this error when I try to add the credit card.

Account is ********@gmail.com

Srecan korisnik paypal-a.

<3 Banca Intesa

E sad Banca Intesa i Paypal imaju bug.

Uzmi upgrade odradi accounta na pro verziju da bi mogao da da primas sume oko 1 dolar :)

Uzmi da prebacujes 1 funtu sa kartice na paypal, tako mozes da uradi 50 puta, a da imas samo 3 evra na kartici. (Ne skida odmah pare sa racuna, valjda im je to problem oko sinhronizacije)

Ugovor Banca Intese kaze da ne mozes da ides u minus. E sad se ja sporim sa intesom sto sam -30 funti na deviznom racunu.

Edited by Silencer
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si koristio .com ili .uk ebay?

cisto da znam posto i meni treba jedna kartica :D

btw evo jednog tip-a

Ako odbijaju da posalju u Srbiju (sto nije nista novo jelte?) kada kucate adresu stavite Greece - Belgrade postanski broj i ardesu (ukoliko zivite u BG-u)

paket stize u grcku , kada vide belgrade i nas postanski kod samo precrtaju Greece i posalju u Bg free of charge

Tacno je da cete cekati jos jedno nedelju dana bonus ali do sada sve posiljke koje su odradjene na ovaj nacin su stigle (6 posiljki je tako narucheno i sve su stigle bez problema)

Have you ever noticed that it's only 'perfect' people who are murdered or killed in horrific accidents?

"He was the perfect son" or "She was the perfect daughter."

"Such a tragic accident they were the perfect family."

"They died together, the perfect couple till the end."

Makes me glad I abuse my kids and beat up my wife.

Kind of makes me immortal.

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si koristio .com ili .uk ebay?

cisto da znam posto i meni treba jedna kartica :D

btw evo jednog tip-a

Ako odbijaju da posalju u Srbiju (sto nije nista novo jelte?) kada kucate adresu stavite Greece - Belgrade postanski broj i ardesu (ukoliko zivite u BG-u)

paket stize u grcku , kada vide belgrade i nas postanski kod samo precrtaju Greece i posalju u Bg free of charge

Tacno je da cete cekati jos jedno nedelju dana bonus ali do sada sve posiljke koje su odradjene na ovaj nacin su stigle (6 posiljki je tako narucheno i sve su stigle bez problema)

haha, extra fora, thx za tip

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