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Dobio sam mail od "blizzarda", hlep plz.


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Account Action: 3 Hour Suspension

Account Offense: Violation of EULA and Terms of Service - Transfer of Account Ownership

Details: An investigation of your World of Warcraft account has found strong evidence that the account in question is being sold or traded. In accordance with EULA section 4, Paragraph B, listed below:

World of Warcraft -> Legal -> End User License Agreement

and Section 8 of the Terms of Use:

Blizzard Entertainment -> Legal -> Terms of Use

A 3-hour probationary suspension is pending on this account, awaiting confirmation from a specialist. A final warning has been issued. The investigation will be continued by the Account Administration team to determine the any further suspensions. If the account in question is found in violation of the EULA and Terms of Use, further action will be taken. Be aware that any additional inappropriate actions may result in the permanent closure of the account.

Thank you for respecting our position on this matter.


** We request that you verify your legitimate ownership of the account here:



Any disputes or questions concerning this account action can only be addressed by Account Administration. To learn more about how Account Administration is able to assist you, please visit us at http://www.blizzard.com/support/wowaa/.

Account security is solely the responsibility of the accountholder. Please be advised that in the event of a compromised account, Blizzard representatives typically must lock the account. In these cases the Account Administration team will require faxed receipt of ID materials before releasing the account for play.

Please visit the World of Warcraft Policies and Terms of Use Agreement: (http://www.blizzard.com/support/wowgm/?id=agm01712p) and (http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/termsofuse.shtml) for further information.


Billing & Account Administration

Blizzard Entertainment


Scamfree or not?

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Fala kurcu, 160 dana played ne mogu da kazem da se nisam usro... mada je e-mail je nesto sa @blizzard.com na kraju...

btw, klikno sam onaj link ko budala ali nista nisam kucao, da li odma da menjam pass sa drugog kompa ili sam uredu?


Nije mi ni jedan account registrovan na ovaj mail lolol.

neko je sa rura, ajde group fight \o/

Edited by Andwhat
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ako nisi slao mail blizzardu pa ocekujes odgovor a account ti radi normalno (nije banovan/suspendovan) slobodno brisi sve mailove sa naznakom "blizzard" jer su scam

"U dresu Redzi Millera idem do svog dilera, vutre puna kesa al' ost'o sam bez dresa"

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Neko hijackovao blizzardov domen?

da bi se slaslo sa @blizzard.com nema potrebe da se hijackuje domen, dovoljno je da se na netu nadje (u krajnjoj liniji i napravi) mail server koji ne trazi authentication prilikom slanja poste, vec samo pri primanju.

sa takvim serverom je trivijalno slati @blizzard.com mailove.

ja sam se zezao i slao ljudima emailove sa njihove sopstvene adrese ;)

otišao tetki da odnese lek...

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inace svi blizz mailovi imaju "podlogu" koja je otprilike neke krem boje i na marginama ima obelezja same igre. Ako je na beloj podlozi 100% je fake. Mada pitanje je vremena kada ce i scam mailovi nabaciti tu podlogu

"U dresu Redzi Millera idem do svog dilera, vutre puna kesa al' ost'o sam bez dresa"

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inace svi blizz mailovi imaju "podlogu" koja je otprilike neke krem boje i na marginama ima obelezja same igre. Ako je na beloj podlozi 100% je fake. Mada pitanje je vremena kada ce i scam mailovi nabaciti tu podlogu

ne bas... jednom sam bio bannovan za racism (Sup yo) i dobio sam mail od GMa i nije bilo nikakve podloge.

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da, slucajno sam klikno posto sam retard ali nista tamo nisam kucao.. nece me ubiti? ;/

to zavisi od puno stvari, ne moze se dati odgovor bez da se zna i browser i OS i sta je tacno na sajtu (a ne znam da li se nekome ovde to proverava), ali je poenta u tome da iako nisi nista njma nakucao, sajt moze da pokrene skriptu koja ce da ti uvali spyware/keylogger/koji-god-malware, koji ce ocitavati sta inace kucas na tastaturi pa tako i user/pass za wow account; tako da se i samom posetom sajtu nekad moze navuci problem.

ponavljam da se ne moze znati tek tako, jer zavisi od puno faktora, mozda si i dalje cist.

inace treba imati naviku da se gleda koji je link na "status baru" firefox-a (meni View -> Status Bar) a ne samo sta pise da je link, poput www.originalnisajt.com - iako deluje da vodi na originali sajt, realno je u pitanju kinez.

ko zeli da bude potpuno siguran, neka proba addon koji blokira skripte: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/722 ali smara addon koliko mnogo stvari blokira, bolje je paziti gde klikces - ili ga ukljuciti samo kad nisi siguran koliko je sajt siguran a ipak zelis da odes.

otišao tetki da odnese lek...

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