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70 prava ponuda ! :D

-"Don't think, feel! It is like a finger pointing away to the moon. Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory."

-"Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable."

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Evo cisto informativno - ja sam moj komp sledece konf :

Sempron 2800+, 1.5 gb ddr1, 160 gb wd hard, 7600gt grafika, dvd rezach, chieftec kuciste 400w, prodao za 120e

a pre 5 meseci sam prodao Athlon 2000+,512ddr1,radeon 9600pro,80gb hard, dvd chitach i cd rezach, odvojeno - 80 e

Dakle, ja necu da kupim, i ne pokusavam da obaram cenu,samo savetujem da smislis neku cifru, posto su rur oglasi leglo za zajebanciju


Popuni chitko i shtampanim slovima.

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Pa eto...ti si to posebno prodao za 80e,ali ovo je u kompletu i jos je ddr2 :) uz komp idu i 2 mala A4 TECH zvucnika sa vuferom i uradjen sistem sa svim drajverima i korisnim programima koje inace naplacujem 20e ...jel 100e mnogo za to ?

ako je u pitanju athlon 2000+ to je procesor koji radi sa ddr1 memorijom (tako da tesko da je 512mb ddr2)-- inace ddr2 je priblizno duplo jeftiniji od ddr1 (itj 512mb pc400 ddr1 je priblizno 1Gb ddr2 667 po vrednosti)

Edited by qwert00

C programmers never die. They are just cast into void.

C# programmers don't die either. They get garbage collected

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